Friday, September 27, 2019

Favorite Quote Friday and a Thank You

Happy Friday! I hope you had a good week. I spent mine writing furiously on my latest manuscript and am really enjoying it. This is a story I've been wanting to tell for years. So I'm very excited about it and about where it's taking me. 😉

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Reviews for Death of Darkness continue to roll in. Once more, I want to thank those of you who have taken the time to post one. I appreciate it so much and am always happy to see another reader has enjoyed one my books.

It took me several years to land my first publishing contract. I'm not sure some readers understand all of the elements that have to come together just perfectly for a writer to manage to score a coveted contract. (I'm reminded of one of my characters mentioning the moon and the stars aligning just right...) And while I was writing, querying agents and editors, and tweaking synopses, my goal was always simply to be able to earn a living doing something I genuinely enjoy. (I really do LOVE to write.) I was so focused on that and on not letting the rejection letters dissuade me that I didn't have a chance to think about how amazing it would feel to get my first 5-star review, or my first email from a reader who loved my book, or my first message from someone who was going through a rough time and thanked me for the distraction this or that book provided. And it truly does feel amazing. 

Whether I've had a good day, a bad day, or a super stressful day, popping over to Amazon or Audible and finding a great review posted by someone who enjoyed one of my books makes me feel like I've won the lottery every time. So when I say I appreciate it, I really do mean it. Thank you so much.

Here are some more fabulous reviews Death of Darkness received on Amazon:

I gave this 5 stars because I can't see how to give it 6. … This is one of my favorite series ever and I highly recommend it.
— Honey Reviews

Can't say enough about a book that keeps you interested enough you don't want to stop reading. A book that can make you cry one minute and laugh the next. Exceptional!”
— Lorena McCarroll

This is the best book so far in this series and that is saying something! Run don't walk to get your copy of this fabulous book.”
— diane reinheimer

All I can say is mind blown!! I’ve absolutely loved everything you’ve written but you outdid yourself with Seth.”
— Dawn

I loved this book! Nothing to dislike at all. … Could not put it down!”
— Janice Jones

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Immortal Guardians Book 9
USA Today Bestseller
#1 Audible Paranormal Romance Bestseller
#1 Audible Supernatural Thrillers
#1 Amazon Vampire Thriller
#1 Amazon Vampire Suspense

Kindle • Nook • Kobo • iBooks
Amazon UK  AmazonAU  AmazonCA  AmazonDE • AmazonFR
Narrated by Kirsten Potter

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Today I thought I would share a quote from Death of Darkness that features Seth (the hero) and David (his second-in-command):


David waited near the front door, his eyes bright with… mirth?

Seth glanced toward the dining room, surprised to find it empty and the table cleared. “Where is everyone?”

“I sent them away.”

“Let me guess. Zach and Jared were squabbling again.” He looked around. “At least they didn’t break anything this time.” The furniture appeared remarkably unscathed. In fact… “Is it me, or is it neater in here than when I arrived?”

David nodded. “Zach and Roland tidied up a bit.”

Those two? Really? “Why?”

“Someone is coming.”

Seth heard the approach of an automobile but felt no alarm. David wouldn’t be so relaxed if danger lurked outside. “Who is it?” If it was Chris Reordon bringing them bad news, he didn’t want to know, so he refrained from reading the driver’s thoughts.

David’s lips stretched in a smile. “You have a caller.”

Seth stopped short. He must not have heard him right. “What?”

“You have a caller.”

Certain he was still misunderstanding, Seth reached into his back pocket and drew out his cell phone to check messages.

David chuckled. “Not a call. A caller. Leah is here.”

Seth’s heartbeat picked up, something he wished he could hide. “Leah from Little Gifts?”


His heartbeat quickened even more. “Why is she here?” She sure as hell wasn’t there to call on him as David had suggested.

“To see you.

After living for thousands of years, very little surprised Seth. But that completely flabbergasted him.

Looks like we're having some wild weather again here in the United States. I hope those who are facing record snowfalls will stay warm and those battling record high temperatures will stay cool.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, September 20, 2019

Favorite Quote Friday — Death of Darkness

Hi, all. Tropical Storm Imelda struck unexpectedly this week. Or perhaps it was only unexpected for me. I've been so deep in writing mode that I haven't been watching the news, so I didn't realize Imelda had formed in the Gulf until it hit. My family and I are fine. There were some strong thunderstorms, but we didn't suffer the flooding that others did. I think the original forecast was for 6-18 inches of rain. But Imelda ended up dumping 40 inches in some places. They've been performing water rescues the way they did when Harvey came through two years ago. My heart goes out to all of those whose homes have flooded. I hope my friends are all safe and well. 💖

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I've been getting a lot of messages, emails, and comments on social media, asking me when the next book will release. I don't have an estimate for you and probably won't for a while. I'm still writing it. 😉 But I will tell you I'm very excited about it and am really enjoying it. 

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Immortal Guardians Book 9
USA Today Bestseller
#1 Audible Paranormal Romance Bestseller
#1 Audible Supernatural Thrillers
#1 Amazon Vampire Thriller
#1 Amazon Vampire Suspense

Kindle • Nook • Kobo • iBooks
Amazon UK  AmazonAU  AmazonCA  AmazonDE • AmazonFR
Narrated by Kirsten Potter

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday.Today I thought I would share another quote from Death of Darkness that features the hero and heroine, Seth and Leah. In this scene, the powerful Immortal Guardians' leader is trying to share with Leah all of the ways he's different:


Seth sighed. “I can shape-shift.”

Leah blinked and tried very hard not to gape again. That was definitely a doozy. “Like a werewolf?”

“Yes. But it’s entirely voluntary and has nothing to do with the moon. I can also shift into the shape of any living creature I wish to, not just that of a wolf, though the smaller the creature, the more difficult the task is. And I’m still me,” he hastened to assure her, “when I take an animal’s form. I don’t start thinking like an animal or anything like that.”

She stared at him.


“Yeah. You’re going to have to show me that one.”

He released her hand. “Is there any animal in particular you’d like me to change into?”

She shook her head. “Just… something that won’t make me pee my pants.”

He laughed.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, September 13, 2019

Favorite Quote Friday — Death of Darkness

Happy Friday! I had another busy, but very productive week. I got all the winner packages mailed. I also wrote many pages in my new manuscript. Woohoo!! I'm really liking it and hope you will, too. Thank you again, members of my Books Group, for being so sweet about me spending less time in there lately. You all rock!! And you always make me smile.

If you're on Facebook and aren't a member, you're welcome to join. It's a great place to hang out. Very positive. No negativity. No drama. Just plain fun. Here's a link:

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Also, for those on Facebook: Facebook is still hiding Page posts from those who have liked the page. So here are some recent posts from my page that you might have missed:

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Reviews continue to roll in for Death of Darkness. I know I've been saying this every week since the release, but thank you so much!! I loved writing this book and really wanted you all to enjoy it. Here are some more of the Amazon reviews that have left me grinning big and doing happy dances:

“I loved this book, beyond wonderful… Thank you Dianne for all the laughter, joy and smiles”
— Trisha Ann

“Not enough words to describe how amazing this book is! ... It is truly one of the best books I have read in a very long time.

There are many books I enjoy, but the Immortal Guardians series is one that has truly captured my imagination.”
— Rosanna

“Freaking AWESOME! … I laughed, cried, and almost lost it at the twists and turns. Can’t wait for the next one!”
— Wendy Humbarger

We have been waiting for years for this book and boy does Ms. Duvall deliver!! … prepare yourself there will be a lot of laughs, smiles, wtf and tears.”
— Kelly

The book is perfect! The entire series is phenomenal! … Seth and Leah are the best!”
— LaShumbra

Full of adventure, danger, excitement, romance this story is amazing.”
— LoisA

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Immortal Guardians Book 9
USA Today Bestseller
#1 Audible Paranormal Romance Bestseller
#1 Audible Supernatural Thrillers
#1 Amazon Vampire Thriller
#1 Amazon Vampire Suspense

Kindle • Nook • Kobo • iBooks
Amazon UK  AmazonAU  AmazonCA  AmazonDE • AmazonFR
Narrated by Kirsten Potter

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!! Today I thought I would share another quote from Death of Darkness that reveals a little of the playful banter between Seth and Leah, the hero and heroine:


Her lips turned up in a smile. “Remember how I said I’m a total workaholic?”

“Yes.” Now her thumb stroked his hand, sending warmth all the way up his arm, through his shoulder, and into his chest.

“Well, I’ve been trying to ease back on that a little lately, but it’s been so long that I have no idea what to do with downtime.”

“I understand completely. David has been insisting I delegate more authority lately and take some time off, but…” He shrugged. “When I’m not working, I always feel like I should be working and find myself at loose ends.”

“Exactly! This is going to sound lame, but… I don’t get out much. And tonight, when the walls started closing in on me, I figured a drive in the country might be nice because I couldn’t think of anything else to do. Then I got here, you opened the door, and I thought: Oh crap, he’s going to think I’m a total stalker.”

“Not at all.” Seth raised their clasped hands and grinned. “I merely assumed you wanted to see my big hands again.”

Laughing, she gave his shoulder a shove. “You’re such a tease!”

His heart lightened. “Admitted without shame.”

“Well, I’ll forgive you,” she quipped, “because you’re letting me hold your hand.” Drawing their clasped hands closer to her face, she cupped her free hand over them and smoothed circles over his as she assumed a comical expression of amazement. “Oooooooh. So big,” she breathed.

Seth laughed.


Have a Wonderfull weekend!


Friday, September 6, 2019

Favorite Quote Friday—Death of Darkness

Happy Friday! I have had the best writing week! I've gotten nothing done outside of writing, but boy have I had fun. 😄 My new manuscript is going very well. The words are really flowing. And I'm super excited about it, but don't want to say much else about it yet. 😉

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I have great news: Death of Darkness made IndieReader's Top 10 Indie Best Seller list. Woohoo!! 

Death of Darkness was also voted Book of the Month over at Long and Short Reviews

Thank you, everyone who voted! 💕 If you'd like to read their absolutely fabulous review, here's a link: Long and Short Reviews

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I've heard from all of the winners of my blog tour and pre-order giveaways, so it's time for the big announcement. The winners are...

$50 Amazon Gift Card
Annette P.

$25 Amazon Gift Card
Teresa K.

Immortal Guardians/The Gifted Ones Prize Pack
Anne M.

Immortal Guardians/The Gifted Ones Prize Pack
Karol S.

Immortal Guardians/The Gifted Ones Prize Pack
Tami C.

$50 Amazon Gift Card
Kristina B.


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Reviews for Death of Darkness continue to roll in and make me smile. You all are some awesome!! Thank you so much for taking time to post reviews. I have been so eager to hear what you think of Seth's book and am absolutely thrilled by your responses. Here are a few from Amazon:

"I don't write reviews ever but felt it necessary to do so with this book. I loved the story, the characters and especially the humor. I have never laughed so much reading about vampires."
— sheep's clothing

This was an amazing story, the best by far in the series.”
—J. Bouillier

“Just brilliant! Amazing read, love this whole series and this book is so worth the read”

“Fast-paced and Packed with Fun!"
— J. M. Payen

“Immortal Guardians Rule! This series is one of my top 3 favorites!
— Kimberly Anne

“Best one yet! I love Dianne Duvall’s books.”
— Glynda H Roy

“Seth’s story was even more wonderful than I expected.”
— Mom2_3Girls

This book has it all...a strong heroine action romance, hot scenes, humor, and a strong family connection.”
— Cary

Seth and Leah are such a cute couple, so many funny laugh out loud moments in this book and never a dull moment.”
—julia wayne

“Phenomenal! … The storyline keeps you riveted beginning to end.”
— Twyla

There are many more I want to share, so don't be surprised if I do so next week. 😉

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Immortal Guardians Book 9
USA Today Bestseller
#1 Audible Paranormal Romance Bestseller
#1 Audible Supernatural Thrillers
#1 Amazon Vampire Thriller
#1 Amazon Vampire Suspense

Kindle • Nook • Kobo • iBooks
Amazon UK  AmazonAU  AmazonCA  AmazonDE • AmazonFR
Narrated by Kirsten Potter

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!! Today I thought I would share another quote from Death of Darkness that features Seth and Leah, the hero and heroine:

Grabbing Seth’s black T-shirt off the floor, Leah pulled it over her head. The neckline was too big, exposing one shoulder. But her breasts were covered and the hem reached halfway down her thighs. “You see? No longer naked.” 
His eyes flashed brighter with desire. 
Leah drew her hands down her body. “You like seeing me in your shirt, don’t you?” 
“Hell yes, I do. It makes we want to peel it off and—” 
She pointed at him. "Hold that thought."

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If you're in the path of Hurricane Dorian, I hope you'll stay safe! My heart goes out to all those who have already been hit by it. The images coming out of the Bahamas are just devastating. 💙 The strongest hurricane I've been through was a Category 3, and it really scared me. Harvey did, too, when it came through. Even though it didn't have the terrifying winds and tornadoes, it dumped 50-60 inches of rain on us. So I'm even wary of Tropical Storms now. I'll keep an eye out for friends' updates on facebook and, again, hope you'll all stay safe.
