Friday, August 12, 2022

Now Available for Pre-Order!

Hello, all! It's been quite a long time since I last posted. I hope this finds you all safe and well and that you've been having a nice summer. I have VERY exciting news to share with you today.

Now Available for Pre-Order!

Releasing October 11, 2022
in ebook, audiobook, paperback, and hardback
A #1 Amazon Bestseller

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(Narrated by Kirsten Potter)
— Link Coming Soon —
— Available on Release Day —
— Available on Release Day —

New York Times bestselling author Dianne Duvall brings readers the next stand-alone novel in a thrilling new sci-fi romance series full of action and humor.

Despite his fierce reputation and propensity for violating the law, Janwar has formed a friendship with strait-laced Prince Taelon of Lasara. When the prince's ship is destroyed, Janwar joins the massive Aldebarian Alliance-wide search and rescue mission and soon locates the Gathendien ship that launched the attack. An odd thing happens, however, as he and his crew stealthily approach it. The lifeforms inside begin to perish, two or three at a time in quick succession. Much to his surprise, someone else has reached the ship first: one of the very Earth women he hoped to rescue.

Simone has hunted and slain psychotic vampires night after night for hundreds of years and desperately needs a change. When the leader of the Immortal Guardians offers her an opportunity to guard ten mortal women who are venturing to another planet, she dives right in and finds traveling into space and meeting amazing alien races just as exciting as she'd hoped… until an enemy attacks. Simone saves everyone she can before she's thrust into an escape pod and the ship explodes. Alone, fearing some—if not all—of her friends have been killed, she vows to seek vengeance.

Fascinatingly fierce, Simone bands together with Janwar and his crew to search for her missing friends and wreak havoc upon those who wish to harm them. She also widens eyes, drops jaws, and sparks laughter and mischief as she banishes the warriors' world-weariness and makes each day seem like a new adventure. The friendship that grows between Janwar and Simone swiftly deepens into love. But the enemy warriors they face are tenacious and boast more weapons in their arsenal than the alliance knows. Can Janwar, Simone, and such a small crew vanquish them?

Praise for the Aldebarian Alliance Books

"An Epic Adventure!"

"Intense, addictive, and brilliant... I want more!"
—Caffeinated Reviewer

"Full of adventures, sizzling passion, romance and yes, kick-ass fighting."
—Book Dragon

"A fascinating world with danger, romance, humour and wonderful discoveries."
—Totally Addicted to Reading

"Gripping... This could be a movie!"
—Obsessive Reading Disorder

"Fast paced, with action, adventure and romance."
—Seeing Spots

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Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek into the pages of Simone and Janwar's story.

As she allowed Janwar to pull her along after him, Simone murmured, “They seemed a bit in awe of you.”
“Some who are either too young to know better or have rebellious spirits are unwise enough to admire me,” he stated absently, his head swiveling from side to side, his gaze missing nothing. “But most loathe me. They think I'm an amoral pirate who would do anything or kill anyone for a credit. Or they hate me for being a more successful amoral pirate who would do anything or kill anyone for a credit than they are. Still others hate me for being too drekking hard to capture or kill because they would love to claim the large bounty the Akseli government has placed on my head.”
“How large a bounty?” she asked.
He spouted a number.
Simone blinked. “That’s a damn big bounty.” Big enough to lure both the greedy and the desperate.
He grunted.
“Have you ever considered that perhaps they simply hate you because you’re so drekking handsome?”
Halting so suddenly that she nearly bumped into him, he turned to face her. “You think I’m handsome?”
She rolled her eyes. “Everyone thinks you’re handsome, Janwar.” She jerked a thumb over her shoulder, where she knew Soval hovered. “Soval told me that’s the only reason he agreed to join your crew. I even caught him checking out your ass when you weren’t looking.”
A choking sound accompanied a faint breeze that ruffled the hair atop her head.
Swiveling around, she craned her neck to peer up at the brawny warrior.
Soval looked about as appalled at the notion of checking out Janwar’s ass as he would if she’d offered him a plate of monkey dung for dinner.
Simone couldn’t help it. She burst into laughter. “Relax. I’m only teasing.” She gave his barrel chest an affectionate pat before turning back to Janwar. “He didn’t check out your ass.” She winked, then whispered. “I did.”
The corners of Janwar’s lips twitched. “And?”
She grinned. “Your ass is very nice.”
Laughing, he resumed leading her through the throng.

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I hope those of you who pre-order The Akseli will enjoy Simone and Janwar's story! It was so much fun to write.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I am so dang excited for this book!!

    1. I hope you'll enjoy it, Trisha! It really was a fun book to write. 🙂

  2. So looking forward to reading this book .

    1. Patricia Powell's comment

  3. I can't wait for Janwar's story! He sounds like such a fun character.

  4. I'm new to your books and I've been reading your Immortal Guardian world. Are you planning to write anymore books in this series?

  5. PERFECT 💕💕💕
