Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for making Blade of Darkness a USA Today Bestseller!!! I know this wasn't my first indie release, but it was my first Immortal Guardians indie release. So seeing Aidan and Dana's story hit the list even higher than the previous books was both a thrill and a relief. You've all been so supportive of my switch from traditional publishing to indie publishing. That means the world to me!
And thank you for your comments on Facebook, on the Blog Tour stops, and in your emails! I'm very happy that you liked Aidan and Dana together so much! I love that the story made you laugh. I'm also weirdly pleased that it made some of you tear up. 😀 With every book I write, I always have about half a dozen favorite scenes. And I see many of you mentioning the same scenes and the same characters' actions. Zach. Roland. Dana with a tranq gun. 😀
Thank you, too, for the absolutely fabulous reviews you've been posting on Amazon! I've never received so many so quickly before! I love that some of you mentioned liking Dana so much that she was someone you could see yourself being friends with. That's one of the best things a writer can hear. And reviews are important to writers. They encourage Amazon to recommend the book to other readers. They help new readers choose to give the series a try. And, of course, they make writing worthwhile by simply letting authors know the story entertained you. 😊
I also learned that Blade of Darkness was Tantor Audio's #1 New Release last week. So a huge thank you goes out to audiobook fans of the series! I just finished listening to the audiobook myself, and Kirsten Potter did yet another amazing job narrating it.
Fantastic reviews continue to roll in on blogs as well. Here are some of the latest:
Lucy Dosch wrote a wonderful feature on Blade of Darkness for Heroes and Heartbreakers.
Again, I love that Aidan and Dana's story made so many of you laugh! Thank you, Book Born, for a great review!
Shameless Book Club gave Blade of Darkness a great review, too, and mentioned some favorite quotes.
A USA Today Bestseller
Available in ebook, paperback and audiobook
Available in ebook, paperback and audiobook
It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! For those who haven't picked up the book yet, I thought I'd give you a brief excerpt (18+) of Blade of Darkness that features the hero and heroine:
Smiling, she motioned to the bed. “You recognize this place?”
He nodded, his eyes acquiring an amber glow. “This is where we made love in your vision.”
Her pulse picked up. “So it is.” What the hell was wrong with her? She had just had the scare of a lifetime—two actually—but suddenly could think of nothing but the feel of Aidan’s hands on her, tugging her shirt over her head so he could touch bare skin, teasing her nipples and tantalizing her with his tongue.
Heat flashed through her.
“Shall I tell Heather we’d like another room?” he asked.
Dana shook her head.
He took a step toward her. “Do you want me to sleep on the floor?”
Again she wagged her head from side to side, staggered by the desire that suddenly coursed through her.
Aidan slowly approached her. “What do you want?” he asked softly.
“I want you,” she stated boldly. “Naked. I want to feel your bare body against mine.”
His eyes brightened with amber light. “Dana,” he whispered, his voice deepening as he drew close enough to touch.
“I think,” she said breathlessly as she tilted her head back to look up at him, “that I’m doing that thing where—after narrowly escaping death—you feel a sudden, driving need to reaffirm life.”
He settled his hands on her hips and squeezed as though he wanted desperately to let those hands go exploring and was barely keeping them in check. “Don’t tempt me, sweetheart.”
Easing forward, she leaned her body into his. “I’ll tempt you and more,” she promised, sucking in a breath when he slid his large hands around and down to cup her ass.
Both moaned when she rose onto her toes and arched against the hard length behind his fly.
Have a wonderful weekend!