Thursday, July 31, 2014

Beach Reads in August Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Beach Reads in August Giveaway Hop!  

We're talking favorite beach reads, and I have to admit that my current favorite read is my upcoming release Night Unbound, Immortal Guardians Book 5.  I'm writing Book 6 in the series now and frequently have to go back and look things up in Night Unbound to ensure I maintain continuity.  Well, every time I do, I get caught up in the story and end up reading it again.  LOL.  It has everything I love in paranormals:  romance, action, passion, and humor.  It's dark and intense one moment, and makes me laugh the next.

Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook • iBooks • BAM!
September 2, 2014

BEST ROMANCES OF 2014 (so far)!
"If you are a paranormal romance fan, I recommend this series!"
—Smexy Books

4.5 stars
"Book after book, Duvall brings her readers complex,
fascinating tales of romance, danger and loyalty."
—RT Book Reviews
For centuries, Lisette d'Alençon has been a warrior against the dark. She fights alongside her brothers and comrades. But when the dreams start coming, she can't bear to confess them to the Immortal Guardians' command. Dreams of a dark-haired man with soft eyes and brutal wounds, a man her heart aches for—and a man she knows has been declared a traitor. 
Zach is an exile, a loner. He won't defend himself against false accusations or grovel to those who should have faith in him. But he'll damn sure defend the woman who kept him sane against a plague of super-vamps that seems to have appeared from nowhere. The Guardians will blame him, and that will make Lisette suspect, too. With life, death and eternity on the line, who can they really trust?
Mini Excerpt

Crossing to stand before him, Lisette gripped the lapels of her coat and opened it wide.  A small arsenal hid inside, tucked into various and assorted loops and pockets and sheaths.  “Take your pick.”

His eyes lit with a faint golden glow.  “I can have anything I want?” he asked in a silky voice that turned her insides to mush.

Her pulse leapt.  “Yes.”

“How you tempt me,” he murmured.  

My Giveaway

An ARC (Advanced Reading Copy) of Night Unbound you can take with you to the beach, along with an Immortal Guardians swag pack (2 postcards, 6 bookmarks, and 6 trading cards)


The Beach Reads in August Giveaway Hop runs from August 1st, 12:01am EST through August 15th, 11:59pm EST.  My giveaway is international.

Mandatory entry for my prize
Leave a comment on this post during the hop (please include your email address) and let me know what one of your favorite beach reads is.  :-)  Also mention extra entries.   

Extra entries for my prize
For extra entries you may do any or all of the following, but be sure to mention them in your comment.

+1  Follow my blog. 

+1  Like My Facebook Page.

+1  Follow me on Twitter.

+1  Share my giveaway on Twitter.

+1  Pin either the cover of Night Unbound or my giveaway image on Pinterest.

Selecting a Winner for my prize
I will use to choose my prize winner after verifying all entries and will announce it here by August 20th.  If the winner's email address is included in her/his comment, I will email her/him, too.  The winner will have one week to contact me.

Giveaways Galore!

Happy Friday!  What an exciting week!  First, thank you, everyone who picked up a copy of In Still Darkness, my Immortal Guardians novella that was released on Tuesday!  You catapulted it up onto 2 of Amazon's Paranormal Romance Best Seller Lists!  Woohoo!!!  And a huge thank you, too, to all of you who have helped me spread the word about its release!  You're the best!  :-)

I'll be participating in the Beach Reads in August Giveaway Hop today.  So, instead of my customary Favorite Quote Friday post, I thought I would instead give you a quick reminder of all of my current giveaways.

I'm celebrating the release of my Immortal Guardians novella In Still Darkness — only $1.99! — with a Release Day Giveaway!  It began Tuesday and will last through Saturday.  The Prize?

A signed ARC of Night Unbound (coming September 2nd) + Immortal Guardians swag (two postcards, 6 bookmarks, 6 trading cards).  You can find the details and enter HERE.

I'm also celebrating the release of In Still Darkness with a big In Still Darkness Book Blast!  If you haven't read In Still Darkness yet, you can find excerpts of it on the stops.  Even if you have read it, you can still enter to WIN one of 8 prizes!

 You can find the Book Blast schedule HERE.

This month, you can also enter to win a signed copy of Darkness Rises, Immortal Guardians Book 4, an RT Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Vampire Romance Nominee + Immortal Guardians swag over at Fresh Fiction.  You can enter HERE.

As I mentioned above, I'm also participating in the Beach Reads in August Giveaway Hop, which starts today and will last through August 15th.  Looking for some good beach reads?  Then join the fun and enter to WIN a signed ARC of Night Unbound!  There's a giveaway at every stop!  You can find mine HERE.

And, as always, join me on Facebook, where I often have Flash Giveaways.  Facebook has changed its algorithms yet again.  According to some experts, only 2% of the people who have liked a page will be able to see its posts unless the page owner pays to boost every post, so if you'd like to ensure you'll continue to see my updates and contests, please Like my page, then use the Like pull-down menu to select Get Notifications.  See you there!
That's it for now.  :-)  Good luck in the contests!  And thank you again for sharing in my excitement over the release of In Still Darkness and for making this release week a great one!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

IN STILL DARKNESS Release Day Giveaway!

It's release Day for In Still Darkness, my Immortal Guardians novella that tells Richart and Jenna's story!!  I'm so excited!!  Originally published in the Predatory anthology, this is the first time In Still Darkness has been available as a solo ebook.  And what a great price — only $1.99!

Kindle • Nook • iBooks • Kobo • BAM!
It's not the first time Immortal Guardian Richart d'Alençon has saved a human life from eternal damnation. Usually, he moves on, a nameless savior like a ghost in the night. But this time he can't seem to forget the woman who rewarded him with a sensuous kiss after he rescued her from a trio of vampires. While Richart knows that loving a human can only bring trouble, the taste of forbidden lust is too great to resist... 
Jenna never imagined she'd end up a single mom working overtime to put her son through school. But she might have daydreamed once that a devastatingly gorgeous Frenchman would sweep her off her feet. Now that a package of tall, dark, and handsome seems intent on doing just that, doctors are telling her she may not have long to live. But Richart is telling her just the opposite. All she has to do is abandon her humanity...

Includes a special sneak peek of NIGHT UNBOUND  

"Readers will appreciate the rich characterizations and the 
kick-butt action of Duvall's In Still Darkness."
—Publishers Weekly

"This had all the fun, excitement and great characters 
that I have come to expect from Dianne Duvall."
—eBook Obsessed

"Full of action and romance and quite a few laughs in between."
—Nocturne Reads              

What better way to celebrate the release than with giveaways?  

My In Still Darkness Book Blast is already underway and will last through August 1st!  Join the fun and enter to WIN one of several prizes that are up for grabs:   

1 Winner
an autographed ARC of Night Unbound (September 2nd)

2 Winners
an Immortal Guardians ebook of your choice
(books 1-4: Darkness Dawns, Night Reigns, Phantom Shadows, Darkness Rises)

5 Winners
an Immortal Guardians swag pack

You can find the schedule HERE.

I'm also launching a second giveaway here on my blog today.  :-)  

The Prize

A signed ARC of Night Unbound + Immortal Guardians swag.

How to Enter

To enter, help me spread the news of the release of In Still Darkness   Do any or all of the following, then leave a comment letting me know you did.  (Please include your email address.)  :-)

+1 Tweet about the release.  
  • Example:  IN STILL DARKNESS by @DianneDuvall is now available! Only $1.99! Check it out!  #paranormalromance #kindle
  • Example 2:  Don't miss IN STILL DARKNESS by @DianneDuvall — only $1.99!  #paranormalromance #kindle #pnr #romance #vampire
+1 Share this blog post on Facebook

+1 Pin IN STILL DARKNESS's cover on Pinterest

+1 Share this blog post on Google+

+1 Mention the release on your blog.  (Please include a link in your comment.)

+1 Tell a friend.  

+1 Add IN STILL DARKNESS to your TRB shelf on Goodreads.


The contest begins today, July 29th, and will end on Saturday, August 2nd, at 11:59pm.  International entries are welcome.  I will use to choose a winner after verifying all entries and will announce it here by August 6th.  I will also email the winner, who will have one week to contact me.

Thanks so much for helping me spread the news!  And thank you, everyone who purchased a copy, whether it was the ebook or the original Predatory anthology!  :-)

Have a great week!


Friday, July 25, 2014

Favorite Quote Friday #139

Happy Friday!
Kindle • Nook • iBooks • Kobo • BAM!
— $1.99 —

Only a few days left until the July 29th release of In Still Darkness!  Woohoo!!  In Still Darkness is my Immortal Guardians novella (Book 3.5 in the series) that was originally published in the Predatory anthology.
"Readers will appreciate the rich characterizations and the kick-butt action of Duvall's In Still Darkness, as Richart d'Alençon, a 200-year-old Guardian, woos charming Jenna McBride with warmth and passion."

—Publishers Weekly
If you aren't a fan of anthologies, this is your chance to read Richart and Jenna's story as a solo ebook.  :-)  And be sure to drop by my Facebook Page next week.  I'll be giving away some cool Immortal Guardians goodies to celebrate the release!  Keep an eye out for my Release Day post here on my blog, as well, because it will include a giveaway, too.  :-)

Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook • iBooks • Kobo • BAM!
September 2, 2014

Thank you, everyone who joined me on the Summer Reads Blog Hop!  The winner of a signed ARC of Night Unbound is . . .



The winners of the Grand Prizes have not yet been announced.

Tired of simmering in the summer heat?  Then imagine yourself instead curling up before a toasty fire and spending a cold winter's night with powerful Immortal Guardians.  I'm helping Fresh Fiction celebrate Christmas in July by giving away a signed copy of Darkness Rises + Immortal Guardians swag.  The contest ends July 27th, so enter today!  You can do so HERE.

Kindle • Nook • iBooks • Kobo • BAM!
Contains a Teaser of Night Unbound!

It's time for Favorite Quote Friday!  In honor of the upcoming release of In Still Darkness, I thought I would give you another peek into its pages.  If this is your first time hearing about it, I'll just preface this by telling you that Richart is a powerful immortal who can teleport, and Jenna is a single mother who is working to put her son through college.
In the next breath, Richart appeared in the living room.  He wore his usual vampire hunting togs:  black shirt, black pants, long black coat, daggers and throwing stars in every loop and pocket and sheath.  Smudges of blood adorned his upper lip and chin, as if someone had punched him hard enough to break his nose.  His eyes glowed a vibrant amber.  His features, when he caught and held her gaze, bore an intensity that sucked the breath from her lungs. 
“What happened?” Jenna asked, closing the distance between them. 
Looping an arm around her waist, he yanked her to him and claimed her lips in a long, passionate kiss.  
Jenna forgot everything as fire burned through her and every nerve ending sprang to life.  Forgot the blood on his chin.  Forgot the weapons weighing him down and poking her as he pressed her against him.  Forgot her son. 
By the time Richart raised his head, she was as breathless as though she had just run the 400 meter relay.
Richart looked over her shoulder and nodded abruptly.  “John.”
“Hey,” John said, sounding stunned.
“Excuse us, please.”  As soon as Richart finished the husky proclamation, he whisked them to his bedroom in his home.
I can't wait until Tuesday!  Thanks so much, everyone who has pre-ordered a copy!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, July 18, 2014

Favorite Quote Friday #138

Happy Friday!

September 2nd

Exciting news!  RT Book Reviews gave Night Unbound an absolutely fabulous review!  Here's a snippet:

4.5 stars
"In this latest exceptional chapter . . . the war the Guardians are fighting continues to get more complicated as unknown forces are changing the battle lines.  Book after book, Duvall brings her readers complex, fascinating tales of romance, danger and loyalty."
—RT Book Reviews

I'm so thrilled!  And some of the blogger/reviewers I sent ARCs have already contacted me and told me they loved it!  A contest winner on my Street Team, did, too.  Yay!!!  Whew!  I always get so nervous as a book release approaches.  LOL.  If you haven't pre-ordered your copy yet, here are the buy links so far (I'm still waiting for the Audible link to become available):  

Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook • iBooks • Kobo • BAM!

Pre-orders are SO very important to authors.  They increase the attention a book receives, hopefully tempting new readers into giving the series a try and, at the same time, increase the book's chances of hitting the bestseller lists when it is released, so I hope you'll consider it.  :-)  If you do pre-order Night Unbound, hang on to your confirmation email, because I have a BIG contest coming up in September!  (Don't panic if you deleted it!  A screenshot of the order in your order history will work fine, too.)  :-)

While you're waiting for your copy of Night Unbound to be instantly downloaded to your device or delivered to your home on September 2nd, you can enter to win an ARC of it!

Kensington is giving away 50 ARCs of Night Unbound on Goodreads.  The contest is open to entrants in the US and Canada and lasts through July 31st.   You can enter HERE.

I'm also giving away an ARC of Night Unbound myself, along with Immortal Guardians swag, in the Summer Reads Blog Hop.  This giveaway is international!  You can also enter to win one of two grand prizes:  a $100 Amazon Gift Card and a $30 Amazon Gift Card.  The hop lasts through July 23rd, so hop on over and join the fun!  You can see my post HERE.

Romance Writers of America just launched a great free app for readers called Novel Engagement.  Here's their pitch:

Finding a romance novel to read is easier than ever with the Novel Engagement app.  Novel Engagement is a book discovery app, focused exclusively on romance novels, that helps readers discover new romance novels and connect with authors.

You can find me and my books on there and many other authors, too.  You can read excerpts and listen to audio samples and watch videos.  It's awesome.  You can learn more and find free download links HERE.

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!  In honor of the awesome review it just received, I thought I would delve into the pages of Night Unbound today and provide you with another sneak peek.  This particular quote will give you a chance to see Zach, the hero, in action:
The vampires shuffled to a halt. 
"Who the f*** are you?" one demanded, either too insane or too stupid to be afraid. 
Zach smiled.  "It doesn't really matter.  You won't live long enough to tell anyone."   
Drawing katanas, he shot forward. 
Lisette gasped as he tore through the vampires like a tornado. 
Holy sh**, he's fast! Richart thought and took a step forward, his fascinated gaze glued to the tempest below. 
It didn't take long. 
Zach stilled in the center of the pack, knees bent, blades dripping, face marbled with blood.  Seven vampires sank lifelessly to the ground, their bodies spread around him like the petals of a flower, as the virus went to work and they began to shrivel up like mummies.
Ahh, Zach.  How quickly you became a favorite.  :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer Reads Blog Hop

Welcome to the Summer Reads Blog Hop!  Summer is in full swing!  Come in out of the heat and check out our favorite Summer Reads!  Each blog will feature their favorites and a giveaway so visit them all!  Plus there's a Grand Prize giveaway happening too!

Summer has always been my favorite time to read.  Schedules slow down a bit . . . unless the kids are home from school.  :-)  Many try to find some rest and relaxation time.  Families flock to the beach or the lake.  Or, if you're like me, you curl up with a good book inside to escape the sweltering heat and humidity.  :-)  So, today I thought I would present you with two books, both of which I think are great summer reads that are exciting enough to take your mind off of the heat and provide you with a nice escape.

July 29th — $1.99

"Readers will appreciate the rich characterizations and 
the kick-butt action of Duvall's In Still Darkness, as 
Richart d'Alençon . . . woos charming Jenna McBride 
with warmth and passion."
—Publishers Weekly
It's not the first time Immortal Guardian Richart d'Alençon has saved a human life from eternal damnation. Usually, he moves on, a nameless savior like a ghost in the night. But this time he can't seem to forget the woman who rewarded him with a sensuous kiss after he rescued her from a trio of vampires. While Richart knows that loving a human can only bring trouble, the taste of forbidden lust is too great to resist... 
Jenna never imagined she'd end up a single mom working overtime to put her son through school. But she might have daydreamed once that a devastatingly gorgeous Frenchman would sweep her off her feet. Now that a package of tall, dark, and handsome seems intent on doing just that, doctors are telling her she may not have long to live. But Richart is telling her just the opposite. All she has to do is abandon her humanity... 

The first is In Still Darkness, my Immortal Guardians novella.  It was previously published to great reviews in the Predatory anthology and will be released as a solo ebook on July 29th.  If you're looking for a quick read that has lots of romance, humor, and action, then I hope you'll give this one a try.  In in, Richart d'Alençon—a 230-year-old immortal— attempts to do something none of his fellow immortal warriors have attempted in decades (if not centuries):  He tries to date a mortal, namely single mother Jenna McBride.   You can read an excerpt HERE.

September 2nd

4.5 stars
"In this latest exceptional chapter . . . the war the Guardians 
are fighting continues to get more complicated as unknown 
 forces are changing the battle lines.  Book after book, Duvall 
brings her readers complex, fascinating tales of romance, 
danger and loyalty."
—RT Book Reviews
For centuries, Lisette d'Alençon has been a warrior against the dark. She fights alongside her brothers and comrades. But when the dreams start coming, she can't bear to confess them to the Immortal Guardians' command. Dreams of a dark-haired man with soft eyes and brutal wounds, a man her heart aches for--and a man she knows has been declared a traitor.

Zach is an exile, a loner. He won't defend himself against false accusations or grovel to those who should have faith in him. But he'll damn sure defend the woman who kept him sane against a plague of super-vamps that seems to have appeared from nowhere. The Guardians will blame him, and that will make Lisette suspect, too. With life, death and eternity on the line, who can they really trust? 
The second is Night Unbound, Immortal Guardians Book 5, which will be released in paperback, ebook, and audiobook on September 2nd.  Like In Still Darkness, this one boasts a lot of romance, action, and humor and is a real page-turner.  It also has already been named one of Smexy Books' Best Romances of 2014 (so far)!  Perfect for getting lost in at the beach or while escaping the heat.  :-)  You can read an excerpt HERE.

My Giveaway
Night Unbound ARC + Immortal Guardians swag
(6 bookmarks, 6 trading cards, two postcards).

Grand Prize Giveaway

1st Prize — $100 Amazon Gift Card
2nd Prize — $30 Amazon Gift Card


The Summer Reads Blog Hop runs from July 17th, 12:01am EST through July 23rd, 11:59pm EST.  My giveaway is international.

Mandatory entry for my prize
Leave a comment on this post during the hop (please include your email address) and let me know what one of your favorite book covers is.  :-)  Also mention extra entries.   

Extra entries for my prize
For extra entries you may do any or all of the following, but be sure to mention them in your comment.

+1  Follow my blog. 

+1  Like My Facebook Page.

+1  Follow me on Twitter.

+1  Share my giveaway on Twitter.

+1  Share it on Facebook.

+1 Pin my giveaway pic on Pinterest.

Selecting a Winner for my prize
I will use to choose my prize winner after verifying all entries and will announce it here by July 25th.  If the winner's email address is included in her/his comment, I will email her/him, too.  The winner will have one week to contact me.

There are lots of other prizes up for grabs on the hop!
Be sure to check out every blog! There's a new giveaway at each stop!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Favorite Quote Friday #137

Happy Friday! 

Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook • iBooks • Kobo • BAM!
Coming September 2nd!

Exciting news!!  Night Unbound made Smexy Books' Best of 2014 . . . So Far list! Woohoo!! Here's a quick quote:

"If you are a paranormal romance fan, I recommend this series!"

The lovely ladies at Author's Taproom are planning an awesome Book Blast for In Still Darkness.   In Still Darkness is my Immortal Guardians novella that was originally published in the Predatory anthology.  It will be released as a solo ebook on July 29th.  If you're a blogger and would like to participate, you can find more information HERE.

Author's Taproom is also planning a Blog Tour for Night Unbound.  If you'd like more information on how you can participate, you can find it HERE.  I'm so excited!!  Thank you, everyone who has signed up so far!

Kindle • Nook • iBooks • Kobo • BAM!
Coming July 29th!

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!  Only two and a half weeks to go before the release of In Still Darkness!  Yay!  For those who haven't read Richart and Jenna's story, I thought I'd give you a nice teaser today:
Squeezing his eyes closed, he turned his head aside. 
"Richart?  What's wrong?  Is it your head?" 
He shook his head.  "It's my eyes." 
"Are they hurting?" 
This was so not the time for his nature to assert itself.  "No, it's . . ."  A huff of frustration escaped him.  "They glow when I'm in the grips of strong emotion and—trust me when I say I realize now is not the time for this—but just the thought of making love with you . . ." 
He jumped when her small, cool fingers touched his jaw and turned his face back toward her. 
"Let me see," she coaxed. 
He did as bidden. 
Her hazel eyes brightened, illuminated by the amber glow emanating from his own. 
She raised her other hand, cupped his face in both, and studied him with such painful intensity that he forgot to breathe.  "They're beautiful," she whispered. 
A lump rose in his throat.  "Don't fear me, Jenna." 
Amusement lit her features.  "It's kind of hard to be afraid of a vampire who apologizes for using harsh language in front of a lady." 
Could he really be so lucky?  "I'm not a vampire." 
"And I'm not a lady."
I know I'm biased, but I love this story.  Richart is the first immortal in my series to even attempt a normal courtship with a mortal, and I really like how it progressed.  :-)  He and Jenna have a funny scene in Night Unbound.  I can't wait for you to read it.  :-)

Have a nice weekend!



Friday, July 4, 2014

Huge Sale! And Favorite Quote Friday #136

Happy Friday!

And Happy 4th of July!  I hope all of my friends in North Carolina and on the East Coast are weathering the storm safely!  We've been having the most lovely weather here, though it may dampen some families' barbecuing plans.  Dark.  Windy.  Drizzles.  Downpours.  Lots of wonderful rumbling thunder.  Perfect writing atmosphere.  And I've been writing away on Immortal Guardians Book 6.  :-)

To celebrate July 4th, some of the online ebook retailers are running a sale on my Immortal Guardians books!  If you haven't picked any up yet, now is the time to do it!  

The Kobo Sale lasts through the weekend.  I'm not sure how long the Amazon Sale with last, though, so grab your copies today!

Look what finally came!  My awesome new In Still Darkness postcards!  Finally!  Aren't they pretty?  UPS was supposed to have delivered them on June 19th.  They didn't come until the 30th.  So annoying, because I wanted to include them in the latest swag pack winners' packages, so it took me longer than usual to mail them.  Sorry for the delay, everyone.

And, while I was mailing the swag packs, I also sent quite a few Night Unbound ARCs to reviewers.    Including the swag packs, I think I must have mailed about 30 packages altogether.  I'm sure the people in line behind me at the post office were all silently cursing me.  LOL.

If you haven't pre-ordered your copy of Night Unbound (Immortal Guardians Book 5) yet, here are the buy links for it so far:

Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook • iBooks • Kobo • BAM!

September 2nd is just around the corner!  :-)


It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!  The countdown has begun!  Less than a month to go until the July 29th release of In Still Darkness!   Woohoo!  I'm so excited.  This is my Immortal Guardians novella that tells Richart and Jenna's story and was originally published in the Predatory anthology.  If this is your first time hearing about it, Richart d'Alençon, a 230-year-old Immortal Guardian, attempts to do something no other immortal has done in decades:  He attempts to date a mortal woman.  :-)  Single mother Jenna, the heroine, is working nights shifts in an attempt to put her son, John, through college.  So today I thought I would share my Four Favorite John Quotes:

1)  "Is this going to get weird?  Like kinky weird?" 
2)  "If he threatens you, hit him with the pepper spray, then carve him up." 
3)  "Really?  You're going to put that image in my head?" 
4)  "If anything happens to her, I'll hunt you mother f*****s down and feed you your own entrails."
Have a great holiday weekend!
