Friday, May 30, 2014

Favorite Quote Friday #132

Happy Friday!  I hope you had a good week.  Mine was filled with refreshingly dark skies, frequent rains, and the wonderful rumble of thunder.  Perfect writing weather!  It was a nice change.  I even saw a double rainbow.  :-)

I also had a fantastic writing day yesterday and am starting to feel excited about Immortal Guardians Book 6.  I probably won't reveal who the hero and heroine are, though, until after Night Unbound is released in September.  :-)  (I was soooooo tempted to post a quote from Book 6 today.)

I got a nice surprise when I went to my local Walmart:  Darkness Rises, Immortal Guardians Book 4, was sitting proudly on the bookshelves.  And look what fantastic company it's keeping!  I knew all of my books were available on, but didn't know the last one had hit store shelves.  Very exciting!  :-)

A New York Times and USA Today Bestseller

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!  For today's selection, I thought I would give you a quote that features Bastien—villain of Darkness Dawns (Book 1) and hero of Phantom Shadows (Book 3)—one of my favorite characters in the series who, incidentally, plays an interesting role in Night Unbound (coming September 2nd).  The quote is taken from Phantom Shadows:
Bastien really should be more upset about being stuck with Melanie than he was—which was not at all—but, damn it, he liked her.  And with her face flushed with fury, her chest rising and falling with quick breaths beneath her long-sleeved shirt, and every word emerging a shout . . . 
"She's hot when she's pissed, isn't she?" Cliff asked in a voice too soft for her to hear.
Bastien flung daggers at him with his eyes.  "Watch it." 
"Oh, please.  As if you weren't already thinking it yourself." 
"That doesn't mean I want you thinking it," he grumbled.
In case you haven't guessed yet, Cliff is my favorite vampire in the series.  He plays an interesting role in Night Unbound  too.  :-)

Have a great weekend!
