Hello, all! I hope your week was a good one.
On the home front, the past couple of weeks have been trying ones. What the meteorologists called a "generational" or "historic" weather event swept through here, bringing snow and ice. The first day wasn't bad. We actually spent much of it playing in the snow. (We only get snow about every 10-15 years.) Then temps dipped down into the single digits and didn't climb above freezing for a few days, which is very rare here. The power went out and the water shut off. Temps inside the house dropped to 50ºF.
It took two or three days to get power back on. The water came back on, too. Unfortunately, as soon as temps rose above freezing we discovered that—despite our careful preparations—a pipe had burst outside and was gushing. So we had to have the water shut off. So many pipes burst all over the city that it took us two days to get a plumber on the phone. They're so overwhelmed—working 16-hour days—that we were placed on a waiting list. So we've been without running water for a week and a half now. BUT we actually just found a plumber today who put us on his repair schedule for next week. Huzzah!
I know there are many others who are in the same boat. I hope you're faring well and didn't suffer too much damage. And thank you, everyone, for your well wishes and for making me smile. You're the best!
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There WERE some really awesome highs during the past couple of weeks. 😊
Barnes&Noble chose The Segonian, the second novel in my exciting new Aldebarian Alliance series, as one of their Top Indie Favorites for February and March. Woohoo!! Thank you nook readers for bringing it to their attention.
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I hit a new milestone this week. The Segonian received its 900th rating/review on Amazon. That's the first time one of my books has gotten that many. And what amazes me the most is that it's only been out a little over a month. Thank you so much! Those reviews have been real highlights amid the frustration of the past week and a half.😊
Here are some of the latest:
Also, Broken Dawn, the latest stand-alone novel in my Immortal Guardians series, is closing in on the 800 ratings/reviews mark. Woohoo!! If you've only read my Aldebarian Alliance books and would like to see what Eliana's life was like before she embarked upon her space adventure, you'll get a big glimpse in this one. And it's a stand-alone alone, so you won't be lost if this is your first Immortal Guardians book.
Here are some more reviews that made me smile:
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A USA TODAY Bestseller
A #1 Amazon & Audible Bestseller
A Barnes&Noble Top Indie Favorite
An IndieReader Top 10 Bestseller
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It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Today I thought I would share another moment of levity from The Segonian. This is a snippet of a scene in which Eliana (the heroine), Dagon (the hero), and his crew are discussing ways to defeat their mutual enemy, the Gathendiens:
Maarev winked. "I say we let them dock, then hurl Eliana at them and let her kill them all while the rest of us sit back, relax, and eat what's left of the jarumi nuggets."
Eliana laughed. "No way, buddy. Those jarumi nuggets are mine."
The big warrior chuckled. "I notice you didn't object to the killing part."
"Because jarumi nuggets mean more to me than Gathendiens."
Smiling, Dagon curled an arm around her and turned toward the door. "Let's go see if we can devise a plan that won't deprive Eliana of her favorite treat."
I'm so glad readers are enjoying Eliana and Dagon's book. 😊
I also wanted to mention that if my Favorite Quote Friday posts start to come more slowly, it's because I'm working furiously on my next manuscript. The whole power outage and no running water thing put me more than a week behind, so I'm going to try to work in more writing time.
For those who haven't heard, it's an Immortal Guardians book. 😉
Take care and happy reading!