Friday, July 31, 2020

Favorite Quote Friday

Happy Friday! We've had the most wonderful rainy, thunder-boomy days this past week. Temperatures that were topping 100ºF dropped down into the seventies and stayed there for two or three days. It was wonderful. We opened all the windows, let the breeze in, enjoyed the rumbles and pitter patter of everything from drizzles to downpours . . . And you know my favorite days to write have always been the rainy ones. So I spent many hours with Eliana, Dagon, and the Segonians. 😊

I also got to do some interesting research while working on The Segonian. It reminded me a bit of the research I did on the water bear before I sat down to begin my Immortal Guardians series. 😉 

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I haven't been online as much recently. But whenever I am, I love to head over to Facebook and see what's happening in my Books Group. We've been welcoming a lot of new members since The Lasaran released and are now over 2,000 members strong! Woohoo!! We like to keep things fun and positive in there, so it's a great place to hang out and destress. We laugh a lot. So if you'd like to join us, I'll see you there!

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The Lasaran, Aldebarian Alliance Book 1, was featured on SFR Station this week. I've really been enjoying sci-fi romance lately . . . and not just because I have a weird quirk as a writer that compels me to read books in whatever subgenre I'm currently writing to keep me in that mindset. 😊 If you're looking for some new or new-to-you sci-fi romance reads, you might want to head on over. I've found some good ones there.

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Fantastic reviews continue to roll in for The Lasaran, and every one of them makes me smile. 😊 I am really enjoying this series, so it always thrills me to see someone else is, too. Here are some snippets from some of the latest:

"You will never read another book like this!!!! It has a unique storyline and characters that will make you laugh out loud. This book made me read the other books the author has written. Absolutely amazing!"
—Katie Bates

"Holy cow!!! So much happens in this book it felt like two books! It was the absolute perfect set up for a new series! The end of the audiobook has a clip from the next book in the series and after listening to it my mind is salivating for the next book!!! I can NOT wait for it to come out!! This series just may be better than the immortal guardians series and that's saying a lot since I'm OBSESSED with that world!!"
—Jennifer S

"Another winner from one of my favorite authors... sizzling from the get go, everything you need in a great series... I was instantly drawn to all the new characters, as if I had known them all along... absolutely fabulous."

Broken Dawn is getting great reviews as well. I'm so glad IG fans and new readers are enjoying Nick and Kayla's story. I love those two together. 😉 Here are some snippets:

"Dianne Duvall has another winner on her hands here . . .Plenty of humor, drama, and romance, and with characters you just want to be real!"

"What a great addition to the Immortal Guardians series. Love Nick and Kayla's story. This book is fun to read, there's action, romance, excitement, and humor... I can't wait for Eliana's story."

"I really enjoyed getting into a new area and new characters. I especially loved how Duvall tied in the characters we love to characters we are just getting to know. I was completely thrilled to discover Nick's sometimes partner and friend will be a featured character in the new Adebarian Alliance series and we get to know her quite a bit more before she gets her story told. As always, Duvall writes riveting and heartwarming stories that keep you coming back for more! Every book is an adventure with characters that become friends you can't wait to catch up on."
—Tamara 101

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Aldebarian Alliance Book 1
An Amazon #1 Bestseller
An Audible #1 Bestseller

Kindle  Kobo  Nook  iBooks
AmazonCA  AmazonUK  AmazonFR  AmazonDE
Narrated by Kirsten Potter

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Since I've been immersed in space adventure, humor, and romance all week, I thought I would share another fun excerpt of The Lasaran that features Taelon and Lisa (the hero and heroine) when they meet face-to-face for the first time while escaping the research facility that holds them:

Taelon scooted to the edge of the table, then slid off onto his feet.

His knees buckled.

Lisa lunged forward and wrapped her arms around him. He was a lot taller than she was. And heavier with muscle. For a minute she thought they would both end up toppling to the floor. She was still weak from her coma, and he felt like he weighed a ton. But she braced her feet, locked her knees, and managed to keep him upright.

He gripped the table with one hand and wrapped the other arm around her. I’m sorry.

“It’s okay,” she told him. “We can do this.”

He nodded.

Shifting to his side, Lisa kept one arm around him as he found his balance. She hadn’t realized until then that the hazmat suit had fallen to the floor. Well, sh**. How was she going to get a naked alien out of the building without getting caught? He was bound to attract attention.

I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and well. 

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, July 10, 2020

Favorite Quote Friday

Hello, all! Can you believe the weekend is already upon us again? It feels like I just wrote my last Friday post three days ago. 😊 The summer heat has kicked in with a vengeance here. Temps are supposed to reach or top the 100ºF mark this weekend with feels-like temps ten degrees above that. And the rain has dried up. I'm really missing the dark, rainy days. They're such great mood lifters and always result in awesome writing days. BUT . . . thanks to Eliana, I'm having awesome writing days anyway. I have to say: that playful, fun-loving Immortal Guardian is thoroughly charming the Segonians in Aldebarian Alliance Book 2. 😉 

AND the coolest idea for another Aldebarian Alliance book came to me this week. Woohoo! I'm having as much fun with this series as I am with the other two. And for those who have been asking if there will be more books in The Gifted Ones Series, there will be. Certain characters (new and old) in my Immortal Guardians and Aldebarian Alliance series have just been clamoring a little louder to have their stories told first. But Geoffrey, Meghan, and even Josh are growing impatient. So I'm hoping to dive back into that series soon.

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Congratulations to the winners of my Broken Dawn Blog Tour Giveaway:

$50 Amazon Gift Card
Angela C.

$25 Amazon Gift Cards
Deborah C.
Stephanie Jones

And congratulations to the winners of my Street Team and Books Group Giveaways:

Janie M.
Rachael M.
Tina L.
Valerie H.

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I'm a Voracious Reader gave Broken Dawn a fantastic review. Here's another quote from it:

"Broken Dawn does a good job of standing alone even though it is the 10th book in the series. You can read it and not be lost if you haven’t read the books that came before... Seriously, if you love your paranormal romance with lots of action, humor, multi-layered characters, and hot naked time set in a well-developed world then look no further."

Wonderful reviews also continue to roll in on Amazon, Audible, Goodreads, etc. Here are a few more favorites:

"The gifted one that Nick falls for is a strong willed, smart and sassy woman. Their story is filled with intrigue, love, heartbreak, friendship, and danger. It never ceases to amaze how Ms Duvall's imagination seems to have no end. From book 1 to book 10 I've never been disappointed and anxiously await the next book."
—Tara Dorough

"This is a terrific addition to the Immortal Guardians series. It has all the humor and love of every book in the series and ties beautifully to the new spin off series. I loved The Lasaran too and can't wait for The Segonian."
—calif law prof

"A new IG, another great book. I love that Dianne Duvall chose to focus on another city since the IG are global, but still kept it in the family. If you have read her series up to this book, you won't be disappointed and will crave the next installment."
—L. Bentley

"A sweet and heart warming romance with a fun action packed end. If you are new to the series you will not be wondering who the characters are. If you are a fan of the IGs you will be excited for a new story line and new characters. It's a fun ride!"

The Lasaran is getting fantastic reviews as well. (I'm so glad readers are enjoying the new series!) Here are some snippets:

"Couldn’t put it down. I definitely recommend this book. I’ll definitely be checking out her immortal series."

"Well that was absolutely amazing! Read this prior to my night shift at work so I can imagine I am going to be absolutely shattered tonight but so worth it! Loved the characters and I loved meeting new and old family and friends!... Please do not hesitate to buy this book it’s amazing!"

"I loved this book so much. I simply consumed it. So exciting and full of surprises that I did not see coming."
—Greta Riordan

"The action is vividly written so that you can see what is happening as you read about it and the story just scoops you up and drags you along for the ride. I loved the world she created with the Immortal Guardians but this one promises to be just as good and I so cannot wait for the next book in the series."
—W. Burgess

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A #1 Amazon Best Seller
A #1 Audible Best Seller

Kindle  Kobo  Nook  iBooks
AmazonUK — AmazonUK
AmazonAU  AmazonCA  AmazonDE  AmazonFR

Narrated by Kirsten Potter


It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Broken Dawn is still rocking the Amazon charts, so I thought I would share another quote from it today. Since I'm writing Eliana's book now, I chose a scene in which Nick (the hero of Broken Dawn) and Eliana (his hunting partner) are chatting after they defeat a group of psychotic vampires:

Nick turned away from them and gave Eliana a quick inspection. Quite a bit of blood adorned her, but it must be that of the vampires because she appeared unharmed.

Grimacing, she motioned to her blood-streaked face. “You see? This is why I can’t get a man. I mean, who the hell would want to come home to this every night?”

Laughing, he retrieved a clean handkerchief from his back pocket.

“Oh sure. You can laugh,” she grumbled as she took it. “You have Kayla.”

He winced. “Not yet, I don’t. There’s a goodly chance I’m going to bungle things with her. Badly.” He gestured to the vampires, who began to shrivel up and sink in on themselves as the peculiar virus that infected them devoured them from the inside out. “She doesn’t even know about this aspect of my life. And I don’t know how to tell her. What woman wouldn’t flee from a man who claims he hunts and kills vampires for a living?”

“A strong one,” she retorted, the words a little muffled as she wiped her face clean. “And Kayla is ballsy. I knew it as soon as I met her.”

He smiled. “She is. Strong women are so hot.”

Wiping her hands clean, she smiled wryly. “Some men wouldn’t agree.”

He shrugged. “Only if they’re wusses.”

Laughing, she handed him the sticky cloth. “If Kayla is as smart as she appears to be, you two are going to be great together. Stop stressing over the little things.”

He snorted. “Little things like the bizarre gift I was born with and my violent vocation?”

She made a pfft sound. “That’s nothing. Leaving the toilet seat up so she’ll fall in if she gets up to pee during the night will disturb her far more.”

Stay safe. Stay well. And have a wonderful weekend. 😊


Friday, July 3, 2020

Favorite Quote Friday

Hello, all! I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and well. There has been a big surge in new COVID-19 cases here. The hospitals' ICUs are currently at 100% capacity, which is worrisome. So I've been staying home as much as possible. My plants and gardens look fantastic now that I'm remembering to water them. 😉 I'm seeing soooo many beautiful butterflies. And I've had some really awesome writing days.

Many readers have been messaging me and emailing me, asking when the The Segonian, Aldebarian Alliance Book 2, will release. I don't have a release date yet, but I'm writing it now and plan to release it later this year. Eliana is awesome! 😃 I love her character and am having so much fun writing her story.

A lot of IG fans have also been asking when David will get his own story. I haven't found his love interest yet, but I'm keeping a sharp eye out for her. 😉

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Broken Dawn is still a #1 New Release on Amazon. Woohoo!! I'm so glad readers—both fans of the IG series and newbies—are enjoying Nick and Kayla's story. I've been so thrilled by your comments and by the reviews rolling in. Here are some of the latest:

"This is another stellar book by the always marvelous Dianne Duvall! With great humour, and even greater heart, Nick and Kayla's story will engage and captivate you. With entertaining exploits, amusing interactions, unforgettable characters, and a healthy dash of danger, this is a story you'll dive right into and never want to leave."

"Yes!! So good!! Dianne never disappoints! I loved this book! . . . I can't wait to read the next one!!"
—Kendra Foster

"Dianne Duvall has done it again! She has written another wonderful, romantic, and intriguing book! I have been a HUGE fan of her Immortal Guardians series since day 1!"

"Excellent addition to the Immortal Guardian world. Nick and Kayla were great together!"
—Cindy Foreman

"Hands down my most favorite series by my most favorite author. Every book has me captured and laughing! Broken Dawn was much anticipated and worth every on to the audiobook!"
—Cody Boelke

"I love any book concerning Immortal Gaurdians. This book is just adding another "branch" so we can enjoy more . . . This author is amazing. I Love her work!"
—Randy Douglass

"Another wonderful IG romantic thriller! Love Nick! He's just the sweetest!!"

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Broken Dawn isn't the only one rocking the Amazon and Audible charts. The Lasaran is still clinging to the top of Audible's Sci-fi Romance chart. If you enjoy audiobooks and haven't given it a listen, I hope you'll try it. Kirsten Potter is such a fantastic narrator. 

And wonderful reviews continue to rollin for it, too. Thank you so much!!

"Tightly written, action packed, and with awesome character development, the author really outdid her previous great works with this one. Fantastic doesn't even begin to describe it! . . . Don't miss out on this exceptional series of adventures. I cannot wait for the release of the next book in this series, The Segonian."

"Very exciting. Really bonded with the characters. Dianne is a gifted writer who made you feel like you were on the journey with the characters. You felt their joy, as well as their pain. Can't wait to read the next book in the series."


"Gripping. Couldn’t put it down, well written and fun to read. I loved the immortal series and gave this one a chance and wasn’t disappointed at all."

—Nikki B

"I loved it!!!!! I have read all her books and this is the beginning of another great series!! I can't wait for Eliana's story. Couldn't put it down. It's well written and if you liked the immortal series you'll love this one as well."
—Kindle Customer

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A #1 Amazon Best Seller
A #1 Audible Best Seller

Kindle  Kobo  Nook  iBooks
AmazonUK — AmazonUK
AmazonAU  AmazonCA  AmazonDE  AmazonFR

Narrated by Kirsten Potter


It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Today I thought I would share a snippet from a quiet moment in Broken Dawn. that features Nick and Kayla, the hero and heroine:

Nick lay where she had left him, his eyes closed, brow furrowed.

Kayla eased down onto the mattress, facing him this time.

As soon as he sensed her weight, he looped an arm around her waist and drew her close. Chest to chest. Hips to hips. Mostly. He was a lot taller than she was, so they didn’t align perfectly.

Their heads rested on the same pillow.

Twining their legs together, he pressed his forehead to hers and sighed. The furrow on his brow smoothed out, leaving his handsome features tranquil once more.

Damn, she loved him.


Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!
