I also got to do some interesting research while working on The Segonian. It reminded me a bit of the research I did on the water bear before I sat down to begin my Immortal Guardians series. 😉
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I haven't been online as much recently. But whenever I am, I love to head over to Facebook and see what's happening in my Books Group. We've been welcoming a lot of new members since The Lasaran released and are now over 2,000 members strong! Woohoo!! We like to keep things fun and positive in there, so it's a great place to hang out and destress. We laugh a lot. So if you'd like to join us, I'll see you there!
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The Lasaran, Aldebarian Alliance Book 1, was featured on SFR Station this week. I've really been enjoying sci-fi romance lately . . . and not just because I have a weird quirk as a writer that compels me to read books in whatever subgenre I'm currently writing to keep me in that mindset. 😊 If you're looking for some new or new-to-you sci-fi romance reads, you might want to head on over. I've found some good ones there.
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Fantastic reviews continue to roll in for The Lasaran, and every one of them makes me smile. 😊 I am really enjoying this series, so it always thrills me to see someone else is, too. Here are some snippets from some of the latest:
"You will never read another book like this!!!! It has a unique storyline and characters that will make you laugh out loud. This book made me read the other books the author has written. Absolutely amazing!"
—Katie Bates
"Holy cow!!! So much happens in this book it felt like two books! It was the absolute perfect set up for a new series! The end of the audiobook has a clip from the next book in the series and after listening to it my mind is salivating for the next book!!! I can NOT wait for it to come out!! This series just may be better than the immortal guardians series and that's saying a lot since I'm OBSESSED with that world!!"
—Jennifer S
"Another winner from one of my favorite authors... sizzling from the get go, everything you need in a great series... I was instantly drawn to all the new characters, as if I had known them all along... absolutely fabulous."
Broken Dawn is getting great reviews as well. I'm so glad IG fans and new readers are enjoying Nick and Kayla's story. I love those two together. 😉 Here are some snippets:
"Dianne Duvall has another winner on her hands here . . .Plenty of humor, drama, and romance, and with characters you just want to be real!"
"What a great addition to the Immortal Guardians series. Love Nick and Kayla's story. This book is fun to read, there's action, romance, excitement, and humor... I can't wait for Eliana's story."
"I really enjoyed getting into a new area and new characters. I especially loved how Duvall tied in the characters we love to characters we are just getting to know. I was completely thrilled to discover Nick's sometimes partner and friend will be a featured character in the new Adebarian Alliance series and we get to know her quite a bit more before she gets her story told. As always, Duvall writes riveting and heartwarming stories that keep you coming back for more! Every book is an adventure with characters that become friends you can't wait to catch up on."
—Tamara 101
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Aldebarian Alliance Book 1
An Amazon #1 Bestseller
An Audible #1 Bestseller
Narrated by Kirsten Potter
It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Since I've been immersed in space adventure, humor, and romance all week, I thought I would share another fun excerpt of The Lasaran that features Taelon and Lisa (the hero and heroine) when they meet face-to-face for the first time while escaping the research facility that holds them:
scooted to the edge of the table, then slid off onto his feet.
knees buckled.
lunged forward and wrapped her arms around him. He was a lot taller than she
was. And heavier with muscle. For a minute she thought they would both end up
toppling to the floor. She was still weak from her coma, and he felt like he
weighed a ton. But she braced her feet, locked her knees, and managed to keep
him upright.
gripped the table with one hand and wrapped the other arm around her. I’m sorry.
okay,” she told him. “We can do this.”
to his side, Lisa kept one arm around him as he found his balance. She hadn’t
realized until then that the hazmat suit had fallen to the floor. Well, sh**.
How was she going to get a naked alien out of the building without getting
caught? He was bound to attract attention.
I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and well.
Have a wonderful weekend!