Friday, December 25, 2020

A Sneak Peek & Holiday Wishes

I can't believe Christmas is already upon us. This has been such a rough year for many of us. Yet every time I found myself feeling down or stressed, you made me smile. I hope you know how much I appreciate you and how much you all mean to me. I wish you and your loved ones great health and happiness both in this holiday season and in the coming year. 💖 

We had another cold front roll in here. Wow, the wind was really howling! Perfect writing weather. 😉 I stayed up way too late working on my next manuscript, which will be an Immortal Guardians book. I'm super excited about it but probably won't be ready to tell you more than that for quite a while. (Whoever just shouted Tease, I heard that! 😀 )

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Releasing January 19, 2021
A #1 Amazon Bestseller

Kindle • Kobo• Nook• iBooks
AmazonUK• AmazonAU• AmazonCA• AmazonDE• AmazonFR
— Coming Soon —
— Available on Release Day —

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! I received the final files from my formatter and have been reading through The Segonian again, this time on my iPad. I think this might be the funniest book I've written thus far. There were an awful lot of LOL comments in the margins when my editor Anne Victory sent it back. So I don't think it's just me. Considering the year we've had, I hope it will make you laugh, too, and provide a fun escape. 

If you're an Immortal Guardians fan and haven't given this series a look yet because sci-fi romance isn't of particular interest to you, I just wanted to mention that these books have many of the same elements my IG books are known for: action, humor, romance that is alternately sweet and steamy, fun secondary characters, and camaraderie. The Segonians really remind me of my Immortal Guardians crew, so today I'm going to give you another sneak peek that includes a few of them:


Adaos set his med pack on the floor and withdrew a hover gurney twice the width and length of his data tablet. Holding it waist high, he pressed a corner. The board extended until it was long and wide enough to carry a man Dagon’s size, then hovered in the air.


Eliana’s eyes widened. A smile lit her pretty face, supplanting the pain and confusion. “Cool!”


Adaos smiled and motioned for her to climb aboard.


She sent him a condemning look. “Oh hell no. I don’t need that.”


Dagon agreed. “I can carry Eliana.”


She scowled up at him. “What?”


“I’ll carry you so Adaos can transport the intruder on the hover gurney.”


She rolled her eyes. “My legs are fine, Dagon. My hand is injured. If Maarev hurt his hand, would you insist on carrying him?”


Srul no. But Dagon didn’t feel for Maarev what he felt for Eliana. Not that he could tell her that. Yet. While surrounded by his overly curious soldiers. That was a conversation best held in private. “No.”


Maarev nudged Eliana with his elbow, careful not to jostle her injured hand. “Maybe the next time you kick my ass, I’ll let him carry me to Med Bay.”


Her frown melted into a smile. “Maybe I’ll carry you myself, big guy.”


Laughing, Maarev glanced at the hole in the wall and shook his head. “I believe you could.”


Thank you again, everyone who has pre-order The Segonian. For those who missed the first book, you can find a Longer Preview of this one on my website. I've been so thrilled by readers' responses to it.

Many audiobook lovers have been asking when they can pre-order the audiobook. COVID-19 and the Holidays have both slowed things down, so it looks like it may take longer than anticipated for the pre-order to appear on Audible. I'll share the link as soon as I see it go up.

Take care! And Happy Reading! 💖


Friday, December 18, 2020

Favorite Quote Friday—The Segonian

Hello, all! I hope you had a nice week. We had some wonderfully dark, cloudy days here. And you know how much I love writing on dark days. 😉 The temperatures even dropped enough for me to have to cover some of my plants to protect them from a freeze. So it was a good one for me.

Tomorrow marks the 1 Month to Go countdown for the release of The Segonian. Woohoo!! I'm so excited! I can't wait for you to read it. If you're on Facebook, keep an eye out for a Countdown Giveaway. I'll probably launch one tomorrow (December 19th) on My Facebook Page.

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For the Book Bloggers, Bookstagrammers, and Facebook Influencers out there: There's still time to join my Segonian Blog Tour. There will be a cool tour-wide giveaway plus fun character interviews, exclusive excerpts, Author Q&As, a playlist, a dreamy dream cast, and more. If you'd like to participate, you can learn more and sign up HERE.

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Releasing January 19, 2021
A #1 Amazon Bestseller

Kindle • Kobo• Nook• iBooks
AmazonUK• AmazonAU• AmazonCA• AmazonDE• AmazonFR
— Coming Soon —
— Available on Release Day —

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! I have had so much fun reading back through The Segonian, picking out snippets to share with you. I laughed so hard at some of the scenes. I really love these guys and hope you will, too. To whet your appetite for them, today I'm going to give you a sneak peek that features Dagon and Eliana and includes two of the Segonian soldiers she refers to as The Guys:


The infirmary door slid up.


Maarev poked his head out. He glanced up and down the hallway, inspected the walls, then focused on Dagon and Eliana, still standing in each other’s arms. He arched a brow. “Just thought I’d check to see if Eliana was out here punching holes in the walls. We have a wager going.”


She offered him a wry smile. “No. Dagon calmed me down.”


A twinkle of amusement entered the warrior’s eyes as he stepped out. “So I see. With a hug, apparently.”


Liden joined them in the hallway. A boyish grin lit his rugged features as he held out his arms. “Need any more calming down?”


She laughed . . . even as a low growl of irritation rumbled up from Dagon’s throat. “No, thank you.” Reluctantly stepping back, she took Dagon’s hand and twined her fingers through his. “We have a saying on Earth: Go big or go home.” She tossed Dagon—the tallest man present—a wink. “I’m going big.”


He grinned.


Thank you again, everyone who has pre-ordered The Segonian! A lot of audiobook lovers have been asking about the audiobook. The holidays always slow things down a bit, so it may take a little longer for the audiobook to appear on Audible than we'd hoped. I'll let you know when I see it go up for pre-order.

I hope you'll have a nice weekend! Take care and happy reading!


Friday, December 11, 2020

The Segonian—Favorite Quote Friday

Hello, all! The weekend is upon us again. Yes! This week really seemed to fly past. I've been working on posts for my upcoming Segonian Blog Tour and am having a lot of fun with them. Many Immortal Guardians fans have asked if the tour will include character interviews. It will. I've written two thus far that are conducted by Sheldon... who is his usual incorrigible self. 😀 So I hope you'll enjoy them.

I also started designing some swag for The Segonian. Tote bags, pillows, postcards, and more. I can't wait to see them. 

Speaking of the tour, there's still time to sign up and join the fun if you're a Book Blogger, Bookstagrammer, or Facebook Influencer. There will be a tour-wide giveaway and—in addition to the character interviews I mentioned above—Author Q&As, excerpts, a playlist, a dream cast, Top 5 lists, and more. If you'd like to participate, you can learn more and sign up HERE.

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Kindle  Nook  iBooks  Kobo

Good news! If you haven't delved into my Immortal Guardians paranormal romance series, now is a great time to do so. Today only (Friday, December 11th) In Still Darkness is on sale for only $1.99! Here are some reviews for it:

"This was my first introduction into Duvall's writing and I fell in love."
—Twin Opinions

"This had all the fun, excitement and great characters that I have come to expect from Dianne Duvall."
—eBook Obsessed

"Full of action and romance and quite a few laughs in between."
—Nocturne Reads

"This was the first Dianne Duvall book I read. I was hooked!... Bravo to the author!"

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Releasing January 19, 2021
A #1 Amazon Bestseller

Kindle • Kobo• Nook• iBooks
AmazonUK• AmazonAU• AmazonCA• AmazonDE• AmazonFR
— Coming Soon —
— Available on Release Day —

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! I absolutely loved your responses to last week's sneak peek! I can't wait for you to see Eliana and Dagon together, so today I'm going to give you another peek into the pages of The Segonian that features them:


Emotion threatened to swamp her. Eliana was so damn grateful to have Dagon in her life now, to have found him against such astounding odds. Reaching up, she curled a hand around the nape of his neck and drew him down to claim his lips in a hard kiss that conveyed gratitude, determination, and caring all at once.


Fire raced through her body as he wrapped his arms around her and drew her up onto her toes, locking her form to his.


She broke the kiss on a gasp. “So we’re in this together?”


“We’re in this together,” he confirmed, leaving no doubt of his commitment.


Thank you, everyone who has pre-ordered The Segonian! If this is your first time hearing about it and you'd like to read the excerpt that readers have really been talking about, you can find it on my website.

I hope you'll have a nice weekend! Take care and happy reading!


Friday, December 4, 2020

The Segonian — Sneak Peek

Hello, all! I hope this finds you well. I have lots of fun news to share with you... as well as a sneak peek into the pages of The Segonian

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A lot of audiobook lovers have been asking when The Segonian will release and how soon they can pre-order it on Audible. Well, I have great news. The audiobook will release the same day as the ebook and paperback: January 19th.My utterly awesome narrator Kirsten Potter began recording it this week. And I'm very happy to share that she told me she loved the story. I also learned that it should go up for pre-order on Audible this month.

But the good news doesn't stop there. The Lasaran has been burning up the Audible Bestseller lists. It hit #1 on Audible's Movers & Shakers Bestseller List, climbed to #2 on the Audible Bestseller List—All Categories, and has been an Audible Top 5 Science Fiction Romance Bestseller since April.  :-)

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I finally launched a newsletter. Woohoo!! Thank you, everyone who has subscribed. What might you find in it? The latest book news, sneak peeks, giveaways, sale alerts, giveaway alerts, and more, all delivered right to your inbox.

Sign Up for My Newsletter

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I'll be celebrating the release of The Segonian with a fun Blog Tour that will feature a big giveaway, character interviews, author interviews, excerpts, a dream cast, a playlist, and more. If you're a blogger, instagrammer, or have a Facebook page and would like to sign up, you can learn more and do so HERE.

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Releasing January 19, 2021
A #1 Amazon Bestseller

Kindle • Kobo• Nook• iBooks
AmazonUK• AmazonAU• AmazonCA• AmazonDE• AmazonFR
— Coming Soon —
— Available on Release Day —

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Today I'm very excited to give you a peek into the pages of The Segonian (the second stand-alone novel in my exciting new Aldebarian Alliance series) that features Dagon and Eliana, the hero and heroine:

No one waited in line at the counter, thanks to Dagon and Eliana’s tardy entry.

“Morning, Kusgan,” she trilled when the elder Segonian stepped up to the counter.
Kusgan greeted her with a wide smile. “And how are you today, ni’má?”
“Hungry,” she declared. “What do you have for me? Something spicy, I hope?”
“Indeed.” When Kusgan turned his attention to Dagon, his eyes sparkled with amusement as though he had guessed just how and with whom she had worked up an appetite. “And for you, Commander?”
“The usual.”
His lips twitched. “A larger portion perhaps?”
Dagon laughed. “I would appreciate that, yes.”
Heat crept up her neck to her cheeks. As Kusgan turned away and headed into the kitchen, she leaned closer to Dagon and whispered, “Am I blushing? Because I feel like he’s guessed why I’m so hungry and you’re all smiles this morning.”
He regarded her cheeks with a grin. “Yes, you’re blushing.”
Groaning, she brought her hands up to cover her face. “Curse my pale skin,” she grumbled. “It won’t let me hide anything.”
“Would it make you feel better if Iblushed?”
She peeked up at him through her fingers. And as she watched, his cheeks flushed a vivid pink, demonstrating anew his ability to change his coloring at will.
Laughing in delight, she dropped her hands. “Yes!” Then she poked him in the chest as the heat in her own cheeks faded. “I dare you to walk around like that all day.”
Smiling, he abandoned the pink camouflage and let his face return to its natural color. “If I did, the men would get no work done because they’d all be too busy wondering what the srulyou did in bed that left me blushing for hours afterward.”
Eyes widening, she laughed. “You’re right. Don’t do it.”


I had so much fun with these characters. I hope they'll make you laugh as much as they did me. If you missed the excerpt I included at the end of The Lasaran (Aldebarian Alliance Book 1), you can find it on my website. I love the responses it has been getting. :-) 

This weekend I intend to dive into the next book in my Immortal Guardians series. I hope you'll have a wonderful weekend.

Take care and happy reading!


Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Segonian — Now Available for Pre-Order!

Now Available for Pre-Order!

Releasing on January 19, 2021
in ebook, audiobook, & paperback
A #1 Amazon Bestseller

New York Times bestselling author Dianne Duvall brings readers the second stand-alone novel in a thrilling new sci-fi romance series full of action, humor, and happily-ever-afters.

Eliana's life has never been what one might term ordinary. At least, it hasn't been for a very long time. As a powerful Immortal Guardian, she spends her nights hunting and slaying psychotic vampires that most of humanity doesn't even realize exist. Then an opportunity arises that instantly makes her extraordinary existence seem downright boring. The leader of the Immortal Guardians asks her to guard a group of mortals who are embarking upon a voyage across the galaxy to the planet Lasara. How could she possibly say no?

In no time at all, Eliana is hurtling through space on board a Lasaran battleship and getting to know not one but two alien races. It's the most exciting adventure of her long life... until the ship is unexpectedly attacked. Amid the chaos and destruction that follow, she valiantly helps everyone she can before an explosion renders her unconscious. When Eliana awakens, she finds herself alone, floating in space, clad only in a spacesuit, with no ship in sight. Alone—that is—except for the warm, deep voice that carries over the comm in her helmet.

Commander Dagon and the crew of the Segonian battleship Ranasura respond to a distress call from their Lasaran allies and join a massive Alliance-wide search-and-rescue mission. He quickly achieves communication with a lone Earthling female and races toward her. Every time they speak, his fascination with her grows and he becomes more desperate to reach her before her oxygen supply runs out. Her strength, bravery, and humor entice him, even more so when she defies all odds and they meet in person.

As he and Eliana embark upon a quest to find her missing friends, a bond swiftly grows between them that deepens with every laugh and smile and tender touch they share. But they are not the only ones searching for Earthling survivors. When Eliana herself becomes the hunted and their enemies begin to close in, can the two of them fight their way to victory, or will their enemies take everything?

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I have been so thrilled by the many emails, messages, and comments I've received from readers, asking when this book will release. I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpt I included in both The Lasaran and Broken Dawn.

For those who missed it, you can read the excerpt and get to know Eliana and Dagon on my website: The Segonian Excerpt.

When I announced the pre-order on social media, a lot of audiobook lovers asked when they'll be able to pre-order The Segonian on Audible. It usually takes longer for the audiobook to appear on Audible, but you should be able to pre-order it closer to the release date. I'll share a link as soon as I see it go up.

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I have good news! I'm finally launching a newsletter... and just in time! I'm participating in a HUGE giveaway hosted by BookSweeps. Sign up for your favorite paranormal and sci-fi romance authors' newsletters and enter to win a kindle copy of 
Broken Dawn and a Prize Pack full of other Paranormal and Sci-Fi Romances. You can join the fun here:

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I'll have more news to share—as well as sneak peeks into Eliana and Dagon's story—soon. Take care!


Friday, October 23, 2020

Favorite Quote Friday—Aldebarian Alliance News

Happy Friday! It's been quite a while since my last post. If you're a member of my Street Team or Books Group then you already know this, but I've been spending less time online while I worked furiously to meet a deadline. As a result, I have great news...

I finished The Segonian, Aldebarian Alliance Book 2. Woohoo!! I not only finished it, I finished reading back through it several times and polishing it as per my usual process and have handed it over to my editor. Double Woohoo!!

I had so much fun writing this book. Eliana made me laugh out loud quite a few times. And the crew of the Segonian battleship Ranasura reminds me a lot of my Immortal Guardians. So they made me laugh a lot, too. I hope they'll make you laugh as well.

My cover artist is already working her magic. She sent me a preliminary draft and WOW. It is freaking AWESOME!!! I can't wait to share the finished cover with you. Tantor Audio is scheduling Kirsten Potter to narrate the audiobook. And with so many wheels set into motion, I should have a release date for you very soon. I'm so excited!!!

Thank you for your patience and your interest in this book. I think I've received more emails and inquiries about The Segonian than I have about any other book. I'm so glad you liked the preview I included in The Lasaran and Broken Dawn. 😊

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Speaking of The Lasaran and Broken Dawn . . . Reviews continue to pour in for my latest releases. Thank you so much, everyone who has posted one! 

Here are some of the latest reviews for The Lasaran:

"I've found a new author. OMG what a fantastic read! I am anxious for the next book in the series . . . If you're into romantic science fiction and adventure you will not regret this purchase. It is a story truly worth reading."

"Loved this book, can’t wait to read the next one."
—DF in WI

"Fell in love with the characters and their story . . . Can’t wait for book#2 in the series (and hopefully more)."

And here are some of the latest reviews for Broken Dawn:

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Aldebarian Alliance Book 1
An Amazon #1 Bestseller
An Audible #1 Bestseller

Kindle  Kobo  Nook  iBooks
Narrated by Kirsten Potter

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Since I've been immersed in Eliana's story, I thought I would share a quote from The Lasaran that features her. In it, she's conversing with Taelon and Lisa, the hero and heroine:


Smiling, Eliana straightened. “Prince Taelon, are there any rules that would prevent a Yona soldier from sparring with me?”


His eyebrows rose. “Technically speaking, you aren’t Lasaran, so there are no rules governing interactions with you specifically. Has a Yona offended you in some way?”


“Only when he didn’t laugh at my jokes.”


Lisa grinned. “They don’t feel emotion.” At least Taelon insisted they didn’t. She still wasn’t so sure.


Eliana smiled wryly. “I know. That’s what everyone keeps telling me. But I could’ve sworn I saw a teeny tiny spark of mirth in Ari’k’s eyes the last time I tried to make him laugh. I was kinda hoping I could get him to spar with me so I can see if that evokes any emotion.”


Taelon shrugged. “It won’t. But you’re welcome to engage him if he is willing.”


Eliana thrust a triumphant fist in the air. “Yes! Woohoo!That big-ass warrior is going down, baby! If I can’t make him laugh, I can sure as hell piss him off.” 

Taelon and Lisa burst into laughter.


I hope you and your family and friends are staying safe and well.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, August 21, 2020

Favorite Quote Friday

Hello, all! A lot is happening right now. I hope all of you who are in areas that are battling roaring wildfires, flooding, or the aftermath of devastating storms are safe and well. Meteorologists are warning we may be facing not one but two hurricanes in the Gulf next week. As I write this, some of the models are calling for a direct hit here by the first one on Tuesday. The second could hit anywhere from here to Florida roughly 24 hours later. I've never seen that happen before, so I admit I'm feeling a little anxious. 

Forecasting should more accurately predict the paths of both storms over the weekend. The last hurricane that impacted us was Harvey, which didn't even hit us directly, but nevertheless made its way here after making landfall and delivered five days of constant downpours that left the city in dire straights. The flooding was so bad that a week after the rain finally stopped 80% of the city was still flooded. So I take any possible landfall very seriously. I hope everyone who ends up in the path of these storms will stay safe!

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Every day now I receive emails and messages from readers asking when The Segonian, Aldebarian Alliance Book 2, will release. (That thrills me immensely. I'm so glad you're enjoying the new series!) I don't have a release date for it yet. I'm still writing it. And I'm really enjoying it. Eliana is such a fun character. She reminds me a little bit of Bastien and Zach, saying or thinking or doing things that make me burst out laughing. 😀 As soon as I have an estimated release date, I'll let you know.

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On a lighter note, fantastic reviews continue to roll in for The Lasaran and Broken Dawn

AudioFile Magazine gave The Lasaran a wonderful review. Woohoo!! Kirsten Potter is such a talented narrator. If you haven't tried audiobooks but—like me—don't have a lot of time to read, consider listening to a sample and see if she can tempt you into giving audiobooks a try. She's the reason I have a library full of them today. I'm such a fan of paperbacks, hardbacks, and ebooks that I didn't give audiobooks much of a chance until she narrated Darkness Dawns. Naturally, since I wrote it, I couldn't wait to listen to it to see how it turned out. And Kirsten is really good. Her voice is deep enough to narrate female and male voices well. And she doesn't mangle the accents the way I do when I read the dialogue aloud while editing. 😃

Here are some snippets of the fabulous Amazon reviews readers are posting for The Lasaran:

"Wow! Just, Wow! So much fun to read, you won’t want to put it down! I have loved all of the books by this author, and am excited for this new series."
—L. Rutt

"Omg! Yet another amazing story from this author! I don’t know how she continuously crafts these imaginative tales but I’m glad she does. I really loved this action packed story and can’t wait to read the next installment. So very good."

"I absolutely loved this story! Love this new world Dianne! I can’t wait to read more!"
—Patricia Mahan

"Honestly couldn't put it down... It was action packed. The bantering was so fun. The characters all worked well together. I am looking forward to the next book. WOW"

"I can't say enough about Dianne Duvall's Immortal Guardians and the new Aldebarian Alliance. I love the way she brings everyone to life and makes me not want to put the book down. I can't wait for more."
—Lynnette P

And here are some of the great reviews bloggers and readers have been giving Broken Dawn.

"Couldn't put these down. The characters are charismatic, captivating, brave, their exciting adventures stories full of compassion, friendship, family, and love. The kind of stories you can loose yourself in!"

"Love this series. The stories always makes me laugh and cry, the characters so real you care."
—Kindle Customer

"If you like the other Immortal Guardian books, you’ll love this one."
—S. Hawkins

"Dianne Duvall has another winner on her hands here. Broken Dawn introduces new characters in her Immortal Guardian world while not abandoning the ones we love so much!... Plenty of humor, drama, and romance, and with characters you just want to be real!"

— • — • — • — • — • — • — • — • — 

A #1 Amazon Best Seller
A #1 Audible Best Seller

Kindle  Kobo  Nook  iBooks
AmazonUK — AmazonUK
AmazonAU  AmazonCA  AmazonDE  AmazonFR

Narrated by Kirsten Potter

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Since I'm working on The Segonian, Eliana has been occupying and making mischief in my mind a lot. So today I thought I would share an excerpt of Broken Dawn, featuring Nick (the hero) and Eliana (his hunting partner), that shows the quiet, somber side she lets few see.

Silence fell between them. Or as much silence as their preternatural hearing would permit in a building this size packed with so many voices.

“I still think you’d be a fool not to tell her.” Eliana’s voice carried such sadness that he studied her. “I mean… don’t you get lonely?”

When her brown eyes met his, Nick swallowed hard at the stark pain he read in them.

He knew that pain, that loneliness well. One of the other reasons Seth insisted all Immortal Guardians have mortal Seconds who lived with them was to try to ease the loneliness that so often prevailed in their long lives.

Though it helped, it wasn’t the same.

“Yeah, I do,” he admitted.

She shifted her focus to Kayla’s still form. “I think Tomasso got it right. Though he’s destined to lose Cassandra in the end, they’ve had over a hundred years of love and affection and happiness together. I know losing her will tear his f***ing heart out… but he’ll at least have the memory of those years together to keep him going.” Her throat worked in a swallow. “I would give anything for that.”

Regret filled him. Eliana was always so full of energy and had such a friendly, buoyant personality, often laughing and teasing, that he had never suspected her smiles might hide a deep loneliness and unhappiness.

I'm so glad she's finding love. And lots of laughter. 😃

Stay safe, everyone!
