I can't believe Christmas is already upon us. This has been such a rough year for many of us. Yet every time I found myself feeling down or stressed, you made me smile. I hope you know how much I appreciate you and how much you all mean to me. I wish you and your loved ones great health and happiness both in this holiday season and in the coming year. 💖
We had another cold front roll in here. Wow, the wind was really howling! Perfect writing weather. 😉 I stayed up way too late working on my next manuscript, which will be an Immortal Guardians book. I'm super excited about it but probably won't be ready to tell you more than that for quite a while. (Whoever just shouted Tease, I heard that! 😀 )
Releasing January 19, 2021
A #1 Amazon Bestseller
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— Coming Soon —
— Available on Release Day —
It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! I received the final files from my formatter and have been reading through The Segonian again, this time on my iPad. I think this might be the funniest book I've written thus far. There were an awful lot of LOL comments in the margins when my editor Anne Victory sent it back. So I don't think it's just me. Considering the year we've had, I hope it will make you laugh, too, and provide a fun escape.
If you're an Immortal Guardians fan and haven't given this series a look yet because sci-fi romance isn't of particular interest to you, I just wanted to mention that these books have many of the same elements my IG books are known for: action, humor, romance that is alternately sweet and steamy, fun secondary characters, and camaraderie. The Segonians really remind me of my Immortal Guardians crew, so today I'm going to give you another sneak peek that includes a few of them:
Adaos set his med pack on the floor and withdrew a hover gurney twice the width and length of his data tablet. Holding it waist high, he pressed a corner. The board extended until it was long and wide enough to carry a man Dagon’s size, then hovered in the air.
Eliana’s eyes widened. A smile lit her pretty face, supplanting the pain and confusion. “Cool!”
Adaos smiled and motioned for her to climb aboard.
She sent him a condemning look. “Oh hell no. I don’t need that.”
Dagon agreed. “I can carry Eliana.”
She scowled up at him. “What?”
“I’ll carry you so Adaos can transport the intruder on the hover gurney.”
She rolled her eyes. “My legs are fine, Dagon. My hand is injured. If Maarev hurt his hand, would you insist on carrying him?”
Srul no. But Dagon didn’t feel for Maarev what he felt for Eliana. Not that he could tell her that. Yet. While surrounded by his overly curious soldiers. That was a conversation best held in private. “No.”
Maarev nudged Eliana with his elbow, careful not to jostle her injured hand. “Maybe the next time you kick my ass, I’ll let him carry me to Med Bay.”
Her frown melted into a smile. “Maybe I’ll carry you myself, big guy.”
Laughing, Maarev glanced at the hole in the wall and shook his head. “I believe you could.”
Thank you again, everyone who has pre-order The Segonian. For those who missed the first book, you can find a Longer Preview of this one on my website. I've been so thrilled by readers' responses to it.
Many audiobook lovers have been asking when they can pre-order the audiobook. COVID-19 and the Holidays have both slowed things down, so it looks like it may take longer than anticipated for the pre-order to appear on Audible. I'll share the link as soon as I see it go up.
Take care! And Happy Reading! 💖