Friday, April 5, 2019

Exciting Immortal Guardians News

Happy Friday!  I haven't posted in quite a while, so I have a lot of news to share with you. 

If you haven't heard the news yet . . . I finished Seth's book! Woohoo!! Those of you who told me the longer the better will be happy to hear it came in at a whopping 620 pages. LOL! I don't have a release date for you and may not for a while. I still have to get through edits, copyedits, and proofreading, all of which will take a little longer because of the length of the manuscript. And Tantor Audio may then need longer to produce the audiobook. I'll announce the release date as soon as I have one. 

I really love Seth and his heroine together. 😉 

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I have more exciting news: Audible chose Awaken the Darkness (my latest release) as one of the Top 5 Best Paranormal Romance Audiobooks of 2018! It was such a wonderful surprise! I love Stanislav and Susan together, so I was thrilled to see them make the list. 

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A l'aube des ténèbres and La nuit règne — the French Translations of Darkness Dawns and Night Reigns — are now available in ebook format. 

Even more exciting — both are burning up the bestseller lists. I'm so pleased by the responses the books are getting. 😊

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Another fun surprise: Lisette, the heroine of Night Unbound, made Romance Rehab's Ultimate Badass Romance Heroines List! I love strong heroines. So do the heroes in all of my books. 😉 But Lisette had to be particularly badass to risk so much and evoke such a change in Zach. I love those two together.

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I thought I would mention for the audiobook lovers out there who might not have heard that both Rendezvous with Yesterday (The Gifted Ones Book 2) and Blade of Darkness (Immortal Guardians Book 7) contained Bonus Scenes at the end that were not included in the audiobooks. If you would like to read them, I've posted both in my Books Group on Facebook. You can find them under "Files" in the group. 

While I tend to spend more time in my Books Group, I still post on my Facebook Author Page. I think Facebook now only allows 1—2% of those who have Liked a Page to see its posts. So here are a few posts you might have missed:

Looks like Sheldon is homeschooling again . . .

Adira if she could shape-shift . . .

Um . . . no. I would not do this. Would you?

Call me crazy, but I love seeing people happy . . .

What Sheldon does when he should be working . . .

This reminded me of Roland. 😃 And Bastien. And Zach . . .

I love this . . .

I don't know why this reminded me of Zach. 😃

I also announced Seth's book and the French releases and held a Swag Pack Giveaway. 😊

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That's all for now. I hope your 2019 is going well so far. I can't believe it's already April.

Have a wonderful weekend!