Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Awaken the Darkness Countdown & Giveaway

Only two weeks to go until the release of Awaken the Darkness! I'm so excited! Thank you, everyone, who has been sharing in that excitement. I love hearing that you're looking forward to reading Stanislav and Susan's story:

Coming July 10, 2018
Special Pre-Order eBook Price — $3.99 (Save $1)
Pre-Order Today!
Kindle • iBooks • Nook • Kobo

Return to the "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly) world of New York Times bestselling author Dianne Duvall's Immortal Guardians.  

He awakens encapsulated in dirt with no knowledge of how he came to be there. Riddled with injuries, he can remember neither his past nor who he is. Nor can he remember what he is. But surely no mortal man could survive being buried deep beneath the earth. All he knows with certainty is that the soothing voice and presence of the woman moving around above enables him to endure the agony of his wounds. And he will do whatever it takes to be with her.

When Susan first sees the old two-story house for sale, such warmth and longing fill her that—against all reason—she makes an offer. It will take years of hard work and money she frankly doesn’t have to fix up the place. So she can’t explain why she bought it. She also can’t explain what compels her to spend hours one night, digging in the basement until she unearths a man. A man who still lives and breathes despite having been buried alive. A man whose intense brown eyes glow amber with pain, declaring him far more than ordinary. Susan knows she should keep her distance. He has no memory and possesses gifts that would make most fear him. But as the two work together to unravel the mystery of his past, she finds herself drawn in by his teasing nature and tender touch. So much so that she loses her heart to him even as they find themselves hunted by unknown enemies who are ruthless in their quest to capture them.

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Thank you, too, everyone who has pre-ordered the ebook or paperback. (I'm hoping to have the Audible pre-order link for you soon.) Pre-orders are so important to authors. So I wanted to show my appreciation by launching an Awaken the Darkness Pre-Order Giveaway that is separate from my Blog Tour Giveaway (see below).

Because some fans of the series who have won gift cards in my previous giveaways confessed that they really wanted the Immortal Guardians/The Gifted Ones prize pack, I decided to offer 1 Gift Card this time along with 2 Prize Packs instead of the reverse. And the Prize Packs are really cool. Here's a larger picture:

Each Prize Pack winner will receive an Awaken the Darkness pillow (my personal favorite), a signed Blade of Darkness paperback, an Awaken the Darkness coffee mug, an Immortal Guardians pen, 4 postcards, 12 bookmarks, and 12 trading cards. I do, unfortunately, have to restrict this giveaway to residents of the United States and Canada not because I don't appreciate international readers, but because I've run into difficulties in the past issuing gift cards and shipping prize packs to overseas winners. Sorry about that.

So if you've pre-ordered Stanislav and Susan's story, please give me a chance to thank you with awesome goodies:

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My Awaken the Darkness Blog Tour has begun!! Join the fun, follow the tour, and enter to win more great prizes:

There will be excerpts, Author Q&As, an Immortal Guardians Playlist, a dream cast, and more. I'll update the links on my Blog Tour page as often as I can. But to start you off, here are the links to my first two stops:

Sheldon interviews Stanislav and Susan


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The Immortal Guardians Read Along continues in my Dianne Duvall Books Group on Facebook. This is the first time I've done one, and I'm really enjoying it. :-) I have to say, one of the best things an author can hear is that someone enjoyed the series enough to reread it multiple times. I've been hearing that a lot lately from readers, including those in my Books Group, and just want to hug every one of you. That is so awesome!! I love making people happy and bringing a smile to their faces. Thank you for doing the same to me through your comments and messages and emails. 💙

It's not too late to join the Read Along. Just hop over to the group and start playing. 

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I was going to post another sneak peek, but think I'll let the except mentioned above tempt you instead. ;-)

Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Awaken the Darkness—3 Weeks to Go!

Hi, all! The countdown continues! Only 3 weeks to go until the release of Awaken the Darkness, Immortal Guardians Book 8! And I have great news: You can now pre-order the paperback! Woohoo!!

Coming July 10, 2018
Special Pre-Order eBook Price — $3.99 (Save $1)
Pre-Order Today!
Kindle • iBooks • Nook • Kobo

Return to the "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly) world of New York Times bestselling author Dianne Duvall's Immortal Guardians.  

He awakens encapsulated in dirt with no knowledge of how he came to be there. Riddled with injuries, he can remember neither his past nor who he is. Nor can he remember what he is. But surely no mortal man could survive being buried deep beneath the earth. All he knows with certainty is that the soothing voice and presence of the woman moving around above enables him to endure the agony of his wounds. And he will do whatever it takes to be with her.

When Susan first sees the old two-story house for sale, such warmth and longing fill her that—against all reason—she makes an offer. It will take years of hard work and money she frankly doesn’t have to fix up the place. So she can’t explain why she bought it. She also can’t explain what compels her to spend hours one night, digging in the basement until she unearths a man. A man who still lives and breathes despite having been buried alive. A man whose intense brown eyes glow amber with pain, declaring him far more than ordinary. Susan knows she should keep her distance. He has no memory and possesses gifts that would make most fear him. But as the two work together to unravel the mystery of his past, she finds herself drawn in by his teasing nature and tender touch. So much so that she loses her heart to him even as they find themselves hunted by unknown enemies who are ruthless in their quest to capture them.

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(I'll preface this by mentioning that Susan is telepathic.)

Susan glared up at the man. "Let go of me."

"Tell me where you found it!" he shouted, giving her a little shake. "Did you even find it? Or did you steal it from the person it belongs to?"

Fury suffused Stanislav as he took a step forward.

Before he could leap to her aid, Susan drew her free arm back and punched the man in the face. Ow! Sh**, that hurt! she exclaimed mentally. But it didn't stop her from delivering a wicked uppercut when the man released her arm and stumbled backward.

Stanislav's jaw dropped.

She really could handle herself.

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The Immortal Guardians Read Along in my Books Group on Facebook is still going strong. It's not too late to join the fun. Compare dream casts, play fun Who Said It? games and more. You can join here.

If you're new to the group, don't forget to answer the two questions when you request membership. Your answers will not be shared. I only ask them to discourage spammers from joining and spoiling the fun. :-)

Have a great week!


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Countdown, Giveaways, a Sneak Peek & More!

Hi, all! The countdown has begun! Only 1 month to go until the release of Awaken the Darkness, Immortal Guardians Book 8! Woohoo!!

Coming July 10, 2018
Special Pre-Order eBook Price — $3.99 (Save $1)
Pre-Order Today!
Kindle • iBooks • Nook • Kobo

Return to the "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly) world of New York Times bestselling author Dianne Duvall's Immortal Guardians.  

He awakens encapsulated in dirt with no knowledge of how he came to be there. Riddled with injuries, he can remember neither his past nor who he is. Nor can he remember what he is. But surely no mortal man could survive being buried deep beneath the earth. All he knows with certainty is that the soothing voice and presence of the woman moving around above enables him to endure the agony of his wounds. And he will do whatever it takes to be with her.

When Susan first sees the old two-story house for sale, such warmth and longing fill her that—against all reason—she makes an offer. It will take years of hard work and money she frankly doesn’t have to fix up the place. So she can’t explain why she bought it. She also can’t explain what compels her to spend hours one night, digging in the basement until she unearths a man. A man who still lives and breathes despite having been buried alive. A man whose intense brown eyes glow amber with pain, declaring him far more than ordinary. Susan knows she should keep her distance. He has no memory and possesses gifts that would make most fear him. But as the two work together to unravel the mystery of his past, she finds herself drawn in by his teasing nature and tender touch. So much so that she loses her heart to him even as they find themselves hunted by unknown enemies who are ruthless in their quest to capture them.

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(I'll preface this by mentioning that Susan is telepathic.)

He didn't like causing her discomfort. "How are your hands?" He held his out, palm up.

Rounding the bed slowly, she placed hers in them.

Stanislav sat up straighter and examined them closely, then swore. Raw, open blisters marred the skin at the crooks of her thumbs and the base of every finger. She had gripped that shovel for so long that the blisters had all popped and the flap of loose skin on each had torn away. It looked painful. And she had said nothing, not even complaining when she had held one hand over the steaming pot of pasta while stirring it, something that must have made her hand hurt even more.

"Stop beating yourself up about it," she ordered softly.

He raised his head, on a level with hers though he sat and she stood.

"I wasn't intentionally listening to your thoughts," she told him. "You were sort of broadcasting them. And it wasn't your fault."

"I beg to differ. Had I not compelled you to dig me up—"

"You would probably be dead right now," she finished for him. Withdrawing one hand, she drew it over his hair. "It was worth it."

His pulse raced at her touch. His gaze dropped to her lips. He heard her heartbeat pick up.

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I'm celebrating with a giveaway over on my Facebook Author Page. Hop over, join the fun, and enter to win a signed trade paperback copy of Blade of Darkness (Immortal Guardians Book 7) + an Immortal Guardians and The Gifted Ones Swag Pack (4 postcards, 12 bookmarks, and 12 trading cards). If you're new to the series, don't worry. Each book can be read as a stand-alone. You'll just be more familiar with the background characters if you read the books in order.)

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We're about halfway through our Immortal Guardians Read Along in my Books Group on Facebook. It's not too late to join the fun. Compare dream casts, play fun Who Said It? games and more. You can join here.

If you're new to Facebook, joining the group is free. All you have to do is answer two questions. Your answers aren't shared. They are only asked to ensure no spammers join the group and to keep things fun. :-)

Have a great week!


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Awaken the Darkness Sneak Peek & IG News

Happy Friday! I hope you've had a nice week. I've been designing Awaken the Darkness swag and ordered quite a bit. Can't wait to receive it and start passing it along in fun giveaways. I expedited delivery, so it should come fairly quickly. :-) Until then . . .

Look what arrived on my doorstep. My author copies of the French translations of Darkness Dawns and Night Reigns. Woohoo!! Aren't they pretty? A l'aube des ténèbres and La nuit règne will both release on June 11th. Here's a closer look at those covers. ;-)

I hope everyone who will be meeting my Immortal Guardians crew for the first time will enjoy them. :-)

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The Immortal Guardians Read Along is underway in my Dianne Duvall Books Group on Facebook. We're reading Night Reigns now and will move on to Phantom Shadows next week. There's still time to join the fun. If you aren't already a member of the group, you can join HERE.

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Less than a month and a half to go until the release of Awaken the Darkness and it's still rocking' the charts on Amazon. Thank you, everyone who has pre-ordered it! I know I say this every release, but pre-orders are so important to authors. That's why I like to thank you by discounting the price during the pre-order period. Once my new swag arrives, I'll see about getting a fun pre-order giveaway together, too. :-)

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Coming July 10, 2018
Special Pre-Order Price — $3.99 (Save $1)
Pre-Order Today!
Kindle • iBooks • Nook • Kobo

I've been getting requests for more Awaken the Darkness teasers, so I thought I'd share another sneak peek into the pages of Susan and Stanislav's book:
Releasing her wrist, he raised his shaking hand and brushed disheveled auburn hair back from her face. Her features were relaxed in sleep. Dirt-smudged. Damp with the tears she had shed for him. 
At his touch, she made a sound somewhere in the back of her throat and snuggled closer with a sigh. 
He didn't know who she was. 
He didn't know who he was. 
But in that moment, he loved her for freeing him. 
The dog voiced a plaintive whine. 
Speech still eluding him, he sent feelings of calm to the loyal animal. 
Then, taking the woman's small, pale hand in his, he tucked it against his chest, pressed his forehead to hers, and succumbed to a deep healing sleep.
Have a wonderful weekend!
