Monday, May 28, 2018

GDPR & Privacy Policy

Dear Readers,

This is just a quick note about GDPR (European General Data Protection Regulation). It's a new set of EU laws that gives an individual more control over their data. If you'd like to learn more about GDPR, you can do so here.

My blog's platform—Blogger—already notifies those in the EU of its privacy policy. To be doubly sure that I comply with the new laws, however, I've also added a privacy policy page here on my blog for your perusal.

If you've subscribed to my blog and wish to unsubscribe, you can do so simply by clicking "Unsubscribe Now" at the bottom of the email. 

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Favorite Quote Friday—Awaken the Darkness

Happy Friday! I've been busy designing some cool Awaken the Darkness Swag. I'm hoping to finish it this weekend so I can order it and get some goodies coming my way. Goodies I'll share with you in giveaways, of course. I'll post pics as soon as it arrives. :-)

My Books Group on Facebook has begun an Immortal Guardians Read Along. We started with Book 1—Darkness Dawns this week. Next week will be Night Reigns. I've never done a read along before, so I'm enjoying it. :-) If you'd like to read along with us, you can join the group here. I'll ask you two questions when you do, the sole purpose for which is simply to confirm you aren't a spammer intent on dampening our fun.

If you aren't interested in participating in the read along, you can still join the group. We've been having a lot of fun in there and will welcome you. See you there!

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For the bloggers out there, there is still time to sign up for my upcoming Awaken the Darkness Blog Tour.  Join us and celebrate the release of Awaken the Darkness with character interviews, author interviews, excerpts, author posts, a dream cast, reviews, a tour-wide giveaway, and more. The tour will last June 25th through July 16th. You can find out more and join the fun HERE.

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Coming July 10, 2018
Special Pre-Order Price — $3.99 (Save $1)
Pre-Order Today!
Kindle • iBooks • Nook • Kobo

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! A lot of Immortal Guardians lovers have been asking when Awaken the Darkness will release in paperback and audiobook. Both will release on the same day as the ebook—July 10th. I'll post links for them as son as I have them. Only 6 1/2 weeks to go! I'm so excited!

So here is another taste of what you'll find between the pages of Stanislav and Susan's book:
"He must have been someone I trusted at one time." 
"But you don't now?" 
"I can't. Not until I remember how I ended up so badly wounded where you found me. You've seen how strong I am, Susan. How fast I can move. Do you really think an enemy could have gotten the jump on me without a little assistance?" 
She hadn't thought of it like that. It was a valid point. "No. I'm still hoping he's a friend though. You need someone you can trust." 
Smiling, he touched her cheek. "I already have someone I trust. You." 
She clasped his wrists and turned her head, pressing a kiss to his palm. "Flirt." 
He winked. "Just wait until I confirm I'm not married. Then I'll take flirting to a whole new level." 
"Hell yes, you will," she declared. 
He laughed.
If this is your first time hearing about the series, don't worry. Each book can be read as a stand alone novel or novella. You'll just know more about the secondary characters if you read the books in order.

Have a nice weekend!


Friday, May 18, 2018


Happy Friday! It's been another busy but very fun week. I loved the responses the first Awaken the Darkness sneak peek sparked! Your comments and messages and emails had me grinning from ear to ear. 

Thank you, everyone who has pre-ordered the ebook.
You catapulted Awaken the Darkness up to #1 on more Amazon's bestseller lists, including #1 in Vampire Romances and #1 in Vampire Suspense.
Hitting those lists is always so exciting for me, because I know it helps readers who haven't heard of my Immortal Guardians yet find the series. 

Thank you again. 💙

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Speaking of the series, members of my Dianne Duvall Books Group on Facebook are about to embark upon an Immortal Guardians Read Along. The plan is to read one IG novel per week, beginning with Darkness Dawns and ending with Awaken the Darkness the week it releases. It looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. (The group itself has been a lot of fun. I'm so glad I started it.) You're welcome to join us. If you aren't a member of the group yet, you can find it HERE

Note: Please answer the two questions you're asked when you ask to join. Their purpose is to ensure that only readers who enjoy Immortal Guardians and/or The Gifted Ones series will join, so no spammers will sneak in and dampen the fun.

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For the bloggers out there, there is still time to sign up for my upcoming Awaken the Darkness Blog Tour.  Join us and celebrate the release of Awaken the Darkness with character interviews, author interviews, excerpts, author posts, a dream cast, reviews, a tour-wide giveaway, and more. The tour will last June 25th through July 16th. You can find out more and join the fun HERE.

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Coming July 10, 2018
Special Pre-Order Price — $3.99 (Save $1)
Pre-Order Today!
Kindle • iBooks • Nook • Kobo

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Here is another peek into the pages of the next Immortal Guardians book, Awaken the Darkness. If this is your first time encountering the series, don't worry. Each book can be read as a stand alone novel or novella. You'll just know more about the secondary characters if you read the books in order. :-)

Today's quote features Stanislav and Susan, the immortal hero and mortal heroine:

Cradling her to his chest, he cursed himself for taking too much blood. He was certain he hadn't taken enough for her to need a transfusion, but it had clearly left her weak. 
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, glad she hadn't found the deed in his thoughts. He had feared he wouldn't be able to hide it from her. 
The dog began to whine again. 
"It's okay, boy," he murmured. "She's okay. She's just tired." 
Several minutes passed while he stroked her hair and held her close despite the pain it caused. She was petite and looked as though she only weighed about a hundred pounds. After spending all damned night digging his sorry ass up, no wonder she passed out. 
"I haven't seen it yet," she mumbled against his neck as consciousness returned, "but I'm willing to bet your ass is actually quite nice." 
Startled laughter escaped him, inspiring another groan. "Don't make me laugh. It hurts too much." 
"Sorry. I couldn't resist."

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, May 11, 2018


Happy Friday! It's been a very fun week. I'm so thrilled by the response the big Cover and Blurb Reveal of Awaken the Darkness has received. Thank you, everyone who has already pre-ordered the ebook! You catapulted it up to #1 on Amazon's Hot New Vampire Thrillers list!
Many audiobook and paperback lovers have been asking me when those editions will become available. Tantor Audio is producing the audiobook as we speak. Kirsten Potter is narrating. Woohoo! So the audiobook will release the same day as both the ebook and paperback: July 10th. I will post the pre-order links for them as soon as I have them.
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I was very happy to discover that I'm a Voracious Reader gave Blade of Darkness a wonderful review. One of my favorite things to hear is that I've made someone laugh. :-)
Read the full review HERE.
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I'll be celebrating the release of Awaken the Darkness with a big Blog Tour that will last June 25th through July 16th. If you're a blogger and would like to join me for character interviews, author interviews, excerpts, author posts, a dream cast, reviews, a tour-wide giveaway, and more, you can find out more HERE.
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Coming July 10, 2018
Special Pre-Order Price — $3.99 (Save $1)
Pre-Order Today!
Kindle • iBooks • Nook • Kobo

I haven't been posting favorite quotes as regularly as I used to, but couldn't wait to give you a sneak peek into Stanislav's book, so... It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday! Here is a first look into the pages of Awaken the Darkness. In this particular snippet, Stanislav and Susan (the hero and heroine) are some distance away from each other, and Susan is speaking to him telepathically. :-)
If he doesn’t get here soon, I’m going to fall asleep, Susan grumbled. 
He loved hearing her voice in his head even when she was cranky. 
The thought made him smile. I’ve been keeping you up too late. 
Not really, she replied. I’ve always been a night owl. I just haven’t been sleeping late the way I usually do. 
And had had one scare after another whilst awake.
Did I mention I’m still sore from digging your handsome ass up? 
He laughed. 
It was totally worth it, of course, she went on. But if we find out you’re single, I might hit you up for a nice long massage. 
He cursed when his body immediately responded to the image of her naked and laid out before him, waiting for him to run his hands all over her body. Now who’s flirting? 
Ooh, she purred. That’s so cool. Even in your thoughts, your voice deepens and gets all growly when you’re turned on. Before he could respond, she made a sound of impatience. Damn it. Now I’m turned on. 
He laughed, delighted that she inspired him to do so even in such grim circumstances.

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For those who are new to my Immortal Guardians series: You won't be lost if you dive into it with this book. Each story is written as a stand-alone. You'll just know more about the secondary characters if you read the books in order.

I hope fans of the series will enjoy it! I had so much fun writing Stan and Susan's story. :-)

Have a great weekend!


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Awaken the Darkness Cover Reveal

Hi, all! I have very exciting news to share with you. Awaken the Darkness is Now Available for Pre-Order! Woohoo! This is the book I told you I've been wanting to write for quite a while. It began as a novella, but ended up coming in at 305 manuscript pages. So I'm calling this one Immortal Guardians Book 8 instead of Book 7.5 :-)

Coming July 10, 2018
Special Pre-Order Price — $3.99 (Save $1)
Pre-Order Today!

Return to the "utterly addictive" (RT Book Reviews), "fast-paced and humorous" (Publishers Weekly) world of New York Times bestselling author Dianne Duvall's Immortal Guardians.  

He awakens encapsulated in dirt with no knowledge of how he came to be there. Riddled with injuries, he can remember neither his past nor who he is. Nor can he remember what he is. But surely no mortal man could survive being buried deep beneath the earth. All he knows with certainty is that the soothing voice and presence of the woman moving around above enables him to endure the agony of his wounds. And he will do whatever it takes to be with her.

When Susan first sees the old two-story house for sale, such warmth and longing fill her that—against all reason—she makes an offer. It will take years of hard work and money she frankly doesn’t have to fix up the place. So she can’t explain why she bought it. She also can’t explain what compels her to spend hours one night, digging in the basement until she unearths a man. A man who still lives and breathes despite having been buried alive. A man whose intense brown eyes glow amber with pain, declaring him far more than ordinary. Susan knows she should keep her distance. He has no memory and possesses gifts that would make most fear him. But as the two work together to unravel the mystery of his past, she finds herself drawn in by his teasing nature and tender touch. So much so that she loses her heart to him even as they find themselves hunted by unknown enemies who are ruthless in their quest to capture them.
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If you haven't guessed yet, this is Stanislav's book. If I haven't already mentioned it, my editor said, "I love, love, loved this story." I hope you will, too. :-) Thank you, everyone who has asked me for Stan’s story and who has fervently hoped his role in my Immortal Guardians family has not come to an end. I’ve wanted to tell his tale ever since I wrote Night Unbound but had to wait for the right time. When I released Blade of Darkness, Stanislav leapt forward and informed me that the time had come.

The Awaken the Darkness paperback and audiobook will release on the same day as the ebook: July 10, 2018. I'll post the pre-order links for these as soon as I have them. Tantor Audio is producing the audiobook and has already begun recording it. Kirsten Potter is narrating.

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If this is your first time hearing about my Immortal Guardians series, don't worry. All of the novels and novellas can be read as stand-alone stories. You'll know more about the secondary characters if you read the books in order, but you won't be lost if Awaken the Darkness is the first one you read. :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!
