Friday, September 26, 2014

Favorite Quote Friday #147

Happy Friday!  We had the loveliest day yesterday, with cloudy skies and temps in the 70s.  My friends on Facebook all know how much I love cloudy days.  :-)  I had high hopes that Autumn had finally arrived.  Alas, we're headed back up to the 90s again.  *sigh*  Oh well.

For the writers out there, don't forget that Books-n-Kisses is having a month-long event entitled Writer's Tips and Tricks in which every day an author or two offers some of their favorite writing tips.  One of the things I enjoy most about writing my Immortal Guardians series is the banter in which my immortals frequently engage with each other and with their Seconds, so I chose to focus on crafting realistic dialogue in my article and used examples from Night Unbound.  You can find it HERE.

I thought I would also mention that there is still time to enter to win a signed copy of Darkness Rises, Immortal Guardians Book 4, + Immortal Guardians swag over at Fresh Fiction.  The contest lasts through the end of the month.  You can find details HERE.

Again, I would like to thank all of you who have reviewed or rated Night Unbound.  In the three and a half weeks since its release, it has amassed an amazing 97 5-star reviews on Amazon!  I usually put over a year of work—writing, going over edits, copyedits, proofs, etc.— into every book.  So to know that it resulted in something readers are truly enjoying is just the best feeling.  Lest you think I take your reviews for granted, I thought I would share snippets from some of Night Unbound's 5-star Amazon reviews:

"Night Unbound is sexy, exciting, and emotionally gripping. It only fuels the love I have for the series as a whole. Dianne Duvall is an amazing author and this book just goes to prove why in a breathtaking show of talent!"

"Night Unbound was just brilliant. I am not sure where to start there were so many surprises and twists in the story right up until the very end."
—Vanessa Hinman

"In a word, Night Unbound is mesmerizing. A few more words that come to my mind as I think of Zach and Lisette’s story – dramatic, vividly intense and poignant. This story has an intriguing plot, romance that is not rushed, endearing characters, (I don’t think anyone could not root for Zach) and vibrant descriptions."
—pw reader

"It was the perfect mix of light and dark and love and action. I truly fell in love with both Lisette and Zack."

"A cracking read, great for fantasy lovers who want a solid story with their side of sex! One to join the keepers."
—Jeannie Zelos

"I absolutely loved this book and this series will continue to be an auto buy for me. This book rates a full 5 stars and I'd suggest everyone who likes paranormal romance read this, and every other book in this series."

"This has to be one of the best series I have ever read. And I read a LOT! This series has everything you want in a great PNR. The plot is great, the characters are lovable, the writing is superb and the sex scenes are HOT."

"i knew i was gonna love it and BAM!!!! love it. You will find in this book just about everything, danger, action, relationship, plot, characters from the others book, heat, sensuality and more."
—agnese kohn

"Usually when an author adds so many books to a series the plot line and story becomes too jumbled and just plain ridiculous, but that is far from the case with the Immortal Guardian series. After each book you are left anxious to read the next to see how the side characters futures will play out."

"I absolutely loved this book from start to finish! The whole series has been just awesome!”

“This is a must read series!!!”

A USA TODAY Bestseller
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Audible • iBooks • Kobo • BAM! • Walmart

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!  For today's selection I thought I would offer you a quote from one of my favorite scenes in Night Unbound.  It is spoken by Lisette, the heroine.
". . . for so many decades it seemed as though I were sleepwalking, just going through the motions.  Then Zach came along and . . . woke me up.  He made me feel again.  And I haven’t felt anything but guilt and weariness for so long.”
 I enjoyed writing Lisette and Zach's story so much.  :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, September 19, 2014

Favorite Quote Friday #146

Happy Friday!

My online friends may have noticed . . . I had to drop offline for personal reasons this week.  Sorry about that.  I've missed chatting with you all.  But I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon.  Until then . . .

USA TODAY's Happy Ever After asked me, Amanda Ashley, and Mandy Baxter to talk favorites from our keeper shelves.  See which three books I choose HERE.  Do they also grace your keeper shelves?

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Don't forget to check out my feature in the September/October issue of BTS Book Reviews!  Curious to know what made me want to write paranormal romance?  You'll find out that and more in the interview.  AND enjoy a nice long excerpt of Night Unbound.  :-)

There are only a little over two days left to enter my Night Unbound Blog Tour Giveaway!  Here's what's up for grabs:

1st Prize – 1 Winner
$25 Amazon Gift Card

2nd Prize – 2 Winners
Autographed copy of DARKNESS RISES, tote bag, and swag

3rd Prize – 3 Winners
Autographed paperback of winner’s choice from backlist + Immortal Guardians Swag Pack

4th Prize – 5 Winners
Immortal Guardians Swag Pack

The giveaway is tour-wide this time, so—if life got in the way and kept you offline as it has me of late—you haven't missed the big giveaway and can still go back and visit the tour stops.

Haven't read Night Unbound yet?  Get some tantalizing excerpts, read some great reviews, and get to know the characters through character interviews and Top Ten Lists.

Already have read Night Unbound?  Enjoy more of the usual Immortal Guardians banter when Sheldon interviews Lisette and Zach; find out what inspired the series, how the characters surprised me, and more in author interviews; check out my dream cast; and see if my favorite quotes match yours.

Here's the schedule:

EBookObsessed – Series Spotlight| Review
Reading In Pajamas – Review/Interview/Excerpt
Diane’s Book Blog – Series Spotlight | Review
TheSubClubBooks – Excerpt/Review
Monlatable Book Reviews – Spotlight
Paranormal Reads – Dream Cast/Review
Urban Fantasy Investigations – Top 5 List
KT Book Reviews – Author Interview 
RhiReading – Series Spotlight
Cajun Book Lover – Series Spotlight
Tome Tender – Excerpt/Review
Expressions of a Hopeful Romantic – Excerpt
Cocktails and Books – Spotlight
Little Shop of Readers – Spotlight | Review
Rabid Reads – Playlist/Review
Kindles and Wine – Excerpt/Review
Cat’s Reviews – Spotlight/Review
Books-n-Kisses – Character Interview/Review
Secret Ream Book Reviews – Excerpt/Review
Buffy’s Ramblings – Character Interview | Review
Booklover Sue – Series Spotlight
Indy Book Fairy – Spotlight/Review
Team Tynga’s Reviews – Guest Post: Confessions of a Pantser | Review
All Things Romance – Series Spotlight/Review
Readings Sunshine – Review
deal sharing aunt – Spotlight
Proserpine Craving Books – Review
From the TBR Pile – Character Interview/Review
Reading Between the Wines Book Club – Author Interview

A USA TODAY Bestseller
Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook
Audible • iBooks • Kobo • BAM! • Walmart

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!  I've seen several readers and reviewers mention Zach's "Inner Neanderthal," so—for today's selection—I thought I would share a brief excerpt of the scene in Night Unbound in which it is mentioned.  The scene features Zach and Lisette, the hero and heroine:

She smiled and grabbed the vampires’ sticky clothing.  
“What?” Zach asked as he helped.  
“Nothing.  It’s just . . . ”  She straightened.  “I like that you let me be me,” she said with a shrug.  “I like that you think I’m strong.”  
“You are strong.”  
“But you also appreciate my femininity.”  
“I more than appreciate it,” he said with a leer.  
She grinned.  “Yet you aren’t overprotective like my brothers and Seth, all of whom can drive me up the wall sometimes.”  
“Oh, but I am.  I cringe every time a battle arises.  And my inner Neanderthal awakens whenever I think you’re in danger.”  
“Your inner Neanderthal?”  
He nodded.  “I believe you met him when I ordered you to never defy me again.”  
She winked.  “Your inner Neanderthal gave me multiple orgasms.”
I can't wait to see what the future has in store for these two as the series continues.  I just love them together.  :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, September 12, 2014

Favorite Quote Friday #145

Happy Friday!  I have exciting news to share!

Night Unbound, Immortal Guardians Book 5, hit the USA TODAY Bestseller List!  Hurray!!!  A huge thank you to everyone who pre-ordered and purchased the book the first week it was released!  A big thank you also goes to my awesome Street Team and everyone else who helped me get the word out about the release!  You're the best!!  I admit I was still doing a happy dance over Night Unbound earning a whopping 60 5-star reviews on Amazon the first week it hit shelves, so this really was the icing on the cake.  You all made Night Unbound's release such a memorable one.  :-)

Look what arrived on my doorstep!  Woohoo!  I don't think holding that first copy of my latest book will ever lose its excitement for me.  Nor will holding a copy of my latest audiobook.  Look what else came!

Yay!  I just started listening to the Night Unbound Audiobook.  I don't know if that seems weird to readers or not.  But I'm always curious to hear how the characters sound when the various and assorted accents aren't being slaughtered.  I read every word of dialogue aloud while editing and . . . yeah, I'm pretty sure I don't get any of the accents right.  LOL.  So it's nice to listen to Kirsten Potter read it.

My Night Unbound Blog Tour is still underway!  Join the fun—find author interviews, character interviews, Top 10 lists, guest posts, spotlights, reviews, and more—then enter to win an Amazon gift card and other prizes!  You can find a schedule that is updated daily with direct links HERE.  If you missed this week's stops, here's a quick list:

September 8, 2014
Kindles and Wine

September 9, 2014
Cat’s Reviews

September 10, 2014
Secret Ream Book Reviews

September 11, 2014
Buffy’s Ramblings
Sun Mountain Reviews

Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook
Audible • iBooks • Kobo • BAM! • Walmart

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!  I thought for today's selection, I would share a quote from Night Unbound that I've seen a lot of readers and reviewers mention.  It also happens to be one of my favorites.  :-)  For those unfamiliar with the storyline:  Zach, the hero, has been declared a traitor by Seth, the leader of the Immortal Guardians, which makes pursuing a relationship with Immortal Guardian Lisette rather perilous.

Seth glanced at him from the corner of his eye.  "Now what's wrong?  You're scowling again." 
"I don't know," Zach said, puzzled.  "For a moment I just felt this peculiar . . . I don't know . . . non-murderous connection to you or something." 
"It's called kinship, asshole." 
Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, September 5, 2014

Favorite Quote Friday #144

Happy Friday!  What a fantastic week!  I've been shouting it from the rooftops . . . and many readers and reviewers have been shouting it with me (Thank you!) . . . but if you haven't heard the news . . .

Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook
Audible • iBooks • Kobo • BAM! • Walmart

Night Unbound, Immortal Guardians Book 5, hit stores Tuesday!  Woohoo!!  It is now available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook, and is garnering rave reviews!  I am so excited and thrilled by the responses it's getting.

Thanks to you, Night Unbound hit #1 on Amazon's Hot New Vampire Romance Releases list.

It went on to hit #6, #7, and #8 on three of Amazon's Romance and Vampire Romance Bestseller lists.

And catapulted me onto five of Amazon's Most Popular Author lists.

The Night Unbound Audiobook even hit Audible's Top 60 list!  Thank you so much, everyone who picked up a copy (paperback, ebook, or audiobook) and helped me hit those lists!  It's been such an exciting week!  Don't forget to enter my Night Unbound Push Giveaway!

I want to thank you for your support, and giving away a Kindle Fire HD, Kindle, and more seemed like a fun way to do it.  :-)  You can find details HERE.

The reviews Night Unbound has been receiving have just been fabulous!  Here are some more snippets:

I really enjoyed getting back into the Immortal Guardians series and the rich, imaginative world that Dianne Duvall has created. I'd been eagerly awaiting this book since I finished Darkness Rises, and Night Unbound did not disappoint.”
—Book Liaison

“Night Unbound is brimming with things that capture and tease the reader’s imagination”
—Just Talking Books

"Dianne Duvall created a wonderful world in the Immortal Guardians series. Night Unbound is original and well-written. The plot is intoxicating and carefully thought out. Many exciting things happened to keep me fascinated.”
—Diane’s Book Blog

(for the German readers out there)
"Night Unbound empfehle ich allen wärmstens. Es hat Action, Romantik, Drama und Humor. Ich liebe es." 
—Book Gatherer

Thank you, everyone who has reviewed and/or rated Night Unbound on Amazon, Goodreads, etc.  You're the best!!

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Did you see my feature in BTS Book Reviews?  Want to know what made me want to write paranormal romance?  Check out the interview inside for that and more, then enjoy a nice long excerpt of Night Unbound.  :-)   

4.5 stars
"Book after book, Duvall brings her readers complex, 
fascinating tales of romance, danger and loyalty."
~ RT Book Reviews

It's time once more for Favorite Quote Friday!  If you haven't peeked inside the pages of Night Unbound yet, I thought I would tantalize you with an excerpt that features Zach and Lisette, the hero and heroine:  

“Why are you doing this?”  Confusion colored Zach’s voice.

Lisette set the pasta down and gave him her full attention.  “Doing what?”

He hesitated.  “Helping me.  Being . . . kind to me.”

Why indeed?  She kept getting deeper and deeper and deeper into this . . . whatever this was.  “You saved my life.”

His lips tilted up in a faint smile that seemed to reflect cynicism, relief, and disappointment all at once.  “Ah.  You feel obligated.  I understand now.”

“Not obligated,” she corrected.  “Grateful.  And . . . ”

“And?” he prompted.

“Don’t you know?” she asked curiously.  “Haven’t you looked into my thoughts?”


Interesting.  Seth and David seemed to lack any reservations when it came to reading the minds of their charges.  And, if she were honest, she and Étienne intruded on their friends’ thoughts far more often than they should.  One would think Zach, perhaps the antithesis of Seth, would possess even fewer scruples. 

Or did he lie?

Could he be testing her to see if she would tell him the truth?

Hell, what did she have to lose at this point?  

Crossing the kitchen, she stopped a foot away from Zach and tilted her head back to look up at him.

“Ask me again,” she ordered softly.

“Why are you doing this?” he murmured.

“Because I’m drawn to you, Zach.” 

His heart began to beat faster.  

As did hers.  “I’m drawn to you in a way that makes me want to risk everything just for the chance to know more of you.”

His eyes lit with a mild golden glow.  “Why?”

She gave her head a slow shake.  “I don’t know.  But I suspect . . . I hope . . . that it’s the same for you, that that’s why you came here—to me—when you were so badly injured and needed help.”

He raised one of his hands and, almost as though she were a bird he feared he might frighten away, captured a damp strand of hair that dangled in front of her ear, testing its texture with his fingers.  “I came to you because you were all I could think of while I was being tortured.”  He drew the lock closer to his face and breathed in the citrus scent of her shampoo.  “I came to you because you were all that enabled me to endure it.”

I am in so much trouble here, Lisette thought.  

I love these two together.  :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

It's Release Day for NIGHT UNBOUND!

Amazon • Kindle • Barnes and Noble • Nook
Audible • iBooks • Kobo • BAM! • Walmart

Release Day is here!  Night Unbound, the fifth book in my Immortal Guardians series, is now available in paperback, ebook, and audiobook formats!  Woohoo!!  If this is your first time hearing about it, here's the blurb:
For centuries, Lisette d'Alençon has been a warrior against the dark. She fights alongside her brothers and comrades. But when the dreams start coming, she can't bear to confess them to the Immortal Guardians' command. Dreams of a dark-haired man with soft eyes and brutal wounds, a man her heart aches for--and a man she knows has been declared a traitor. 
Zach is an exile, a loner. He won't defend himself against false accusations or grovel to those who should have faith in him. But he'll damn sure defend the woman who kept him sane against a plague of super-vamps that seems to have appeared from nowhere. The Guardians will blame him, and that will make Lisette suspect, too. With life, death and eternity on the line, who can they really trust?

A lot of you have been asking, so if you missed my post yesterday . . . Night Unbound is available on Audible (and is already on Audible's Top 20 Bestselling Romance, Fantasy Audiobooks list).  Yay!  


Even though it isn't Friday, I thought I'd give you another Favorite Quote from Night Unbound that features Zach and Lisette:
He raised his head. 
She met his golden gaze, saw the fierce emotion that lit his eyes, and . . . everything changed.  Everything. 
Framing his stubbled jaw in both hands, Lisette couldn’t find the words to express what she felt for him in that moment. 
He dipped his head.  Their lips touched. 

I have other awesome news to share!  I'm the Featured Author in the September/October issue of BTS Book Reviews magazine!  (It's my first magazine cover!)  Find out what made me want to be a writer, what books influenced me the most, what I'm working on now, and what advice I have for new writers in the featured interview.  Then enjoy an excerpt of Night Unbound.  :-)


A huge thank you to everyone who Pre-Ordered Night Unbound!!  Don't forget to enter my Night Unbound Push Giveaway!  You can also enter if you pick up a copy this week.  Paperbacks, ebooks, and audiobooks all count.  :-)  I appreciate your support so much!!!


My Night Unbound Blog Tour is still going strong!  Join the fun and enter to win more prizes!  There are excerpts, Top 10 lists, author interviews, character interviews, a peculiar Playlist, spotlights, and more.  You can find the schedule HERE.


I'll also be celebrating Night Unbound's release with more Flash Giveaways on my Facebook Page.  Hop on over and join in the fun!  If my posts aren't showing up in your feed (Facebook is constantly changing its algorithms), try selecting "Get Notifications" in the "Like" pull-down menu.  I don't want  you to miss anything and would love to see you there.  :-)  


Thanks so much for sharing in my excitement!  I can't wait to hear what you think of Zach and Lisette's story!!


Monday, September 1, 2014

Breaking News!

For those who have been waiting for it, Night Unbound is now available for Pre-Order on Audible!  AND it has its very own new cover.  :-)  Here's a link:  Night Unbound.  Or you can click on the image above.

You can listen to an audio sample on Tantor Audio's website:  HERE.

For the aspiring writers out there, Books-n-Kisses is having a wonderful month-long event entitled Writers' Tips and Tricks.  I believe at last count over 20 writers planned to provide articles, offering writing tips in a variety of categories.  Mine is up first.  Since one of my favorite complements to hear from readers is that they're enjoying the banter in which my Immortal Guardians engage, I chose to focus on dialogue in my article:  5 Tips for Crafting Realistic Dialogue.

Even if you aren't a writer, you may want to take peek, because I used a few quotes and excerpts from Night Unbound as examples.  ;-)

Only one day left until Night Unbound is here!  Help me make news of it's release roll through social media channels like thunder by supporting my Thunderclap Campaign.

What is Thunderclap?  It’s a website that allows people to pledge to Tweet or Facebook or Tumblr a message all at the same time on a designated day to achieve maximum exposure.  Don't worry.  You don't have to set your alarm.  Thunderclap does all the work for you.  :-)  A friend of mine compared it to an online flash mob.  This is the first time I've tried this, so I'm very excited and hope you'll hop onboard!  

The Romance Reviews' month-long Fall into Love Party begins today!  Over 200 prizes are up for grabs.  I'll be giving away four signed books — Darkness Dawns, Night Reigns, Phantom Shadows, and Darkness Rises — throughout the month.  My first Hangman Q & A (which counts for double points) will appear on Thursday the 4th.  Don't forget to register and sign in so they can tally your points!  You can join the fun HERE.

Night Unbound has been nominated for Book of the Month over at Long and Short Reviews.  I think voting begins today and ends tomorrow, so if you'd like to check out the nominees and cast your vote, here's a link:  LASR Book of the Month Poll

That's it for now.  I'll be back tomorrow for the big Release Day!  Can't wait!

I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
